
I just figured that they’d expect that Littlefinger would be skulking around in EVERY shadow (because that is literally all he ever does), so they’d have to stay “in character” all the time just in case he *was* listening. It’s the only way that their actions make sense. In fact, it’s the only way that the actual

100% agree. That scene alone was great, but ended up being wholly undermined by everything that came before it. It’s like they knew how they wanted Little Finger to die first, and then worked backwards to (poorly) explain it, fixated on maintaining a stupid ‘gotcha’ twist over anything that would ring true or make

I thought that the Night King was waiting for Viserion - doesn’t he have some kind of ability to see things like Bran does? He could have known Dany had the dragons, knew he needed one to get past the wall and possibly win the war, and acted accordingly. Which also explains why all the undead were just chilling while

Yeah, I just pictured Royce and the northern lords going “wait, we’re taking the crazy Stark kid’s word as evidence? Even though there is no way he could’ve have that information? ... you know what? Fuck Littlefinger. He probably did shit anyway.”

Plus Royce didn’t forget how LF threatened him. This is what happens when you don’t know how to befriend people.

I have to think the Knights of the Vale knew exactly what happened to Lysa but they had no proof or power to do anything about it. Some of them probably weren’t too sad to see her go either, but they still don’t want Littlefinger to get away with it. So when he is getting his comeuppance they’re like “you made this

Plus a bit of foreshadowing is LF saying how the Knights of the Vale and North are loyal to Sansa. Yes, to Sansa, not to LF. Furthermore, LF’s plan and goals were completely stupid to begin with. Even if he had put Sansa as Lady of Winterfell all that would accomplish is fracturing the North and losing a vital

Most of these problems could have been solved by simply having either LF or let’s say a chambermaid listening in on the Arya / Sansa argument from last week. I don’t even think it would have taken away that much of the tension in the trial scene, since we still wouldn’t know on which side Sansa actually sat, or if

Having not read the books, I’m not a GRRM fanboy, but based on watching the show, he created a complex world with real life historical analogies. D&D and the writers seems to watch a lot of lower tier cable dramas.

The cast has admitted that they don’t really know what’s going on. Maisie Williams had to tell the director to tone down the chase scene with the Waif because she didn’t think Arya could do a bunch of acrobatic moves with a stomach wound. Sophie Turner said that she had no idea why Sansa didn’t tell Jon about the

Those Arya vs Sansa scenes will remain ambiguous until D&D or some cast member explains them. That’s just bad fucking writing. D&D don’t even care enough about their story have it make sense any more.

Just made another comment about that, Tyrion’s and Cersei’s convo was cut off after he found out she was pregnant, so there definitely might be betrayal in the air!

As stupid as the whole Sansa/Arya thing was, I was fairly satisfied with the conclusion, even though you had to infer a lot of what may have happened (Sansa and Arya talked to each other like normal people to figure out what was going on, or even better, they talked with Bran, who hasn’t done anything all season).

The thing is nobody ever liked Littlefinger. Royce couldn’t stand him and LF’s never been able to inspire loyalty in anyone as he’s always resorted to blackmail, bribery, threats, and coercion in order to get anyone to work with him. The Knights of the Vale and the North likely didn’t need evidence was because of LF’s

There are a couple of hints:

He’s heartbroken. He’s been in love with her secretly for a while now.

The most infuriating thing was that the Sansa vs. Arya bait and switch was completely USELESS as they didn’t even bring it up during the surprise Trial of Littlefinger. It only served the purpose of catching him off guard, as the Starks continued to throw accusations at him without any physical evidence but using

That was fantastic! Sophie Turner was killing it. She put so much conviction and feeling into each charge against Littlefinger.

God, that whole plot line was so contrived. WHAT THE FVCK WAS THE POINT OF THE ARYA vs SANSA SCENE FROM LAST WEEK? Why did they have a fight? Was Littlefinger ALWAYS watching them? I hate it so so so so so so so much.

I strenuously object!