
On at least two separate occasions this season, Benioff and Weiss (in the commentary they play after the episode airs) openly admit to working backward from a conclusion. You’d think they’d know at this point that that’s not something you should be proud of, but here we are.

Not only THAT, but ARYA HERSELF worked as Tywin’s serving girl under duress!! IT JUST DOESN’T MAKE ANY GODDAMN SENSE.

Lysa was ready to execute Tyrion in season 1 without any evidence. Same with Tywin and Tyrion.

We could have gotten to this scene WITHOUT all of the ridiculous, contrived bullshit fights we saw between the sisters.

I think Tyrion is in love with Dany. I hate it, and I don’t think it’s been super earned, nevertheless I think that’s what they’re telegraphing.

I tried to merge my accounts and failed miserably. And now all of my old Discus comments are gone to me, RIP.

I adore Tormund and I don’t know which I’d hate more—that they died or that they survived.

I've always felt apprehensive about Dany's hardline dragonfire approach. I definitely believe we're getting a (at least somewhat) Mad Queen Dany future.

Feudal societies simply do not view it as slavery the way we do. It's a major cultural gap and Dany will never see it that way, nor would anyone else in Westeros. So it's a moot point.

Yes. I don't know where people got the idea that subverting tropes is always good, or is always the aim of this show. It isn't. Surprising the audience in the first and second acts of a story? Yup. Gimme that. Pulling out the rug in the final act? That's just shock for the sake of shock and is almost always

I'm hoping this Arya/Sansa/Littlefinger arc turns out to be a red herring and Arya sees through his shitty machinations. She SHOULD BE smart enough to not fall for his games…but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

YES YES YES exactly this!

Yup. Bran has lost so much of his emotionality but he's no dummy. He is waiting until the information is useful.

I came to a different conclusion with that. He finally understands Mance in this moment, and he knows he can't bend the knee without convincing the Northern lords first.

Don't worry: they wouldn't have gone through the trouble of recasting Dickon if he wasn't going to stick around a bit.

That was Tommen. But yeah—would Cersei put him back on her Queensguard? It hasn't been addressed and I'm curious about his role in her council.

I rewound that scene and watched a few times—you can see Bronn's longer hair swaying in the underwater shot.

It comes up between Jaime and Cersei in ep1, but it hasn't come up with the people most impacted by it: the Starks. It's pretty strange.

He keeps hoping that there's some cleaner way to accomplish their ends and he keeps getting stymied. Maybe he's too ethical to be a general.

Jaime would be a very valuable hostage, so Dany has good reason to focus on fishing him out asap.