
What's "getting together" mean to you? Because to me it means strategically allying, and apparently to other people it means they're gonna fuuuuuuck.

Yeah for sure. I thought it was pretty clear that Jon feels beholden to them. It would be a massive betrayal if he bent the knee without at least conferring with his Northern bannermen first.

Sure! I guess my contention is that the mass killing of the Freys would have particular resonance with the Starks, so why *wouldn't* it be the subject of a conversation between Jon and Sansa?

I never knew how to convey your point (b) so thank you for that. I just want to say that I'm struggling with the timeline this season not because I'm inherently obsessed with the showrunners making everything perfect, it's just that the wobbly timeline is causing me to have more difficulty than usual grasping the

This is all well and true but as far as anyone in Westeros knows, Jon is Ned's son. We shouldn't take it for granted yet that Jon's a Targ because no one knows that and therefore no one has made any decisions based on that fact.

Such in incongruous song title for that particular queen.

"Also, it appeared like the night king could just teleport himself and a good number of the dead to Bran's location based on that mark. Is that a one time deal?"

Dany's immunity to fire is a show invention so it's hard to know what we're meant to think about Jon in relation to that.

I tend to agree. Poison has the advantage of not only allowing her a graceful death but also makes it believable that Olenna poisoned herself when she saw that all was lost.

It's pretty wild that the incest part of their relationship is not even the most disturbing thing going on with them.

RIP the Dorne that could have been

Yeah, I was just reminded of the Dany/Yara forearm grasp thing from last season and someone sent me Bronn/Tyrion while Tyrion was in the dungeon. It's just such a rare greeting in this world that it caught me off guard.

I don't think the problem is that we miss "filler." This season we're even getting longer and longer scenes with lingering reaction shots! The problem is that the confusing timeline means we can't grasp the actual cause-and-effect of actions taken.

It's pretty weird that Tyrion shakes hands with Jon and Davos.

I'm on team Oh God Please Don't Try To Make Jon+Dany A Thing.

In keeping with TV Euron, Book Euron is utterly depraved and psychotic. Even moreso than you think.

I looked it up on the wiki for the books: it's the crownlands.

That's true! I seem to remember someone (Tywin, I'm pretty sure?) having a conversation with Oberyn and pointedly bringing up his knowledge of potions and poisons, so I tend think that maybe Tywin went along with Cersei's blind hatred of Tyrion for the sake of pushing his agenda.

I think Dragonstone is technically the Crownlands, right?

You know, I never really considered this. Given what was going on in KL at the time, it seems like Oberyn would have been anyone's #1 guess. If Cersei hadn't fingered Tyrion for the crime, maybe our sexy Red Viper would have been arrested instead.