
This also means the maximum you can discount a single transaction online is $34. That’s one $15 coupon, one $10 coupon, one $5 coupon, and one $1 coupon. Lol. Lmao even.

pro 3d artist for games of 13 years, here (for games). i think i can speak for my group and say that we aren’t generally afraid of new technology, we welcome it and its often required learning. but, this isn’t the same thing. your argument can’t be applied to every single thing as a blanket statement because...some

At this point, there’s literally no reason to pick Unity over Unreal.

The home builder is severely limiting.

Looks cool, but I really want another mainline FF game to go back to turn-based. But maybe that’s just the nostalgia talking.

Honestly, I just rewatched the ‘93 Mario movie and vastly prefer it. It’s a product of it’s time, but aged well. This though? I don’t think anyone who sees it as a kid will be rewatching it much as an adult. 

Thank you for the straight forward comment I think is always left out when talking about TLOU. Despite being a non-parent, that was my first reaction: my father would do anything to save my life, and whatever happens will happen to anyone standing in his way.

Joel, the character written specifically and not the avatar

It isn’t right to save one person at the cost of not curing millions.

A 14 year old suffering from, at a minimum, survivor’s guilt (and probably PTSD and maybe depression) can’t ethically make that choice.

No, the only solution to the *actual* problem here is for Americans (as individuals and as a society) to address the obesity epidemic. The vast majority of people whom this limitation affects are affected in ways that are completely preventable. 40" is a fairly generous cutoff. It isn’t the responsibility of a

My now wife and I went to Universal Studios in 2020. There were a couple rides I couldn’t ride because I was too fat: the Harry Potter Hogwarts ride, the Hulk ride and some others I’m sure I’ve forgotten. It was a wake up call that I wasn’t just big but TOO BIG. I was 5'6", 297lbs so I didn’t FEEL like I was that big.

I am absolutely begging you to take a basic civics course.

They sure do seem willing to shoot themselves in both feet just to prove they know better than the dirty gaijin, don’t they?

I mean, that's in line with how Sega of Japan has been run since the 90's.

Can’t help but feel like the past two waves of feminism are a failure. Failed our future daughters, granddaughters, nieces, etc. This was a 40-year effort that our side neglected and just watched happen. It will be our legacy.

I, for one, welcome our new parasocial weeaboo overlords. I’d like to remind them, as a trusted comments section shitposter, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE caves.

Some phones can be used as Amiibos too. I use Galaxy S9

I don’t know if I’m blacklisted here for some reason or what? If you don’t want to publish my comments or you have some reason to censor me I’d like to know it. Shoot me a quick email sometime~

Called it as soon as I saw the trailer and for mobile only at the end. I suppose a console release might be interesting for me at some point, but beyond that...hard skip on this one.

The riot in D.C. only happened because Trump and his cult have normalized ignoring reality.