
A remarkably small portion of the people who hated it hated it because of stupid bigoted reasons. The overwhelming majority of people who hated it hated it because it’s a nihilistic crapsack (go check tvtropes if you don’t get that crapsack’s a genre-thing and not me insulting to game) experience made by someone

Well, the old Soviet Politburo was also filled with aging drunks and was really firing on all cylinders in the late 80's just before the whole rotting edifice went tits up. 

Reagan is a president who’s memory will inevitably get more and more tarnished over time because his only benefits were momentarily good feelings about patriotism while he robbed our country blind, let countless people die from AIDS, and enacted terrible (and outright illegal) foreign policies. Yeah, the 80's may have

This is also a much better slogan because it uses positive and aspirational language. “Defund” is inherently antagonist and puts people on the defensive, strengthening any opposition to reform as we’ve quite plainly seen, as well as painting the concept of police reform as another lipstick leftist “’It’s the day we

Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today,Rush!

Look...Ian...I mean this in the nicest way possible, and I say this as a fellow progressive who has tried to get people to vote for Bernie twice in a row, and this isn’t directed at you specifically but at the group you are currently representing with this article...but please, shut the fuck up.

That joke is so old they've already remastered it for the switch. 

The game feels like queersploitation veering very dangerously into misery porn. To the point that several story beats ( like the sex scene that the director mocapped himself) feel straight up like they were trying to cause as much mental anguish on the players.
There are several games with narratives exploiting the

I watched a full playthrough and I felt a lot of similarities to Red Dead 2, which is to say, there’s a cinematic art thing that’s just a little too up its own ass in there, and there’s also an action shooter that’s clunkier than its contemporaries in that field in there, and neither of those things are really mixing

Very true, it’s also plain biased to always brush any criticism as criticism against sjw stuffs.

Take a media studies course, bruh. There’s clearly an entire portion of theory and concept being discussed here, that you have no eye for.

And it’s fine if you want to consume media from a surface level. There’s plenty of things everyone turns their brain off, to enjoy. But that doesn’t make observing and critiquing

Numbers are bad! They are offensive! Like in school, where student don’t get graded anymore. People aren’t allowed to dislike things! /s

to be fair

Who misses Blockbuster? Do you seriously enjoy having to subscribe to 3-4 different streaming services to watch things? Some movies aren’t even available for streaming, so you either have to pay some 3rd party on Amazon an insane price for a DVD, or just give up. Meanwhile, if we still have rental stores, you could

There is a motherfucker with a goddamn gun to our heads and his name is Donald Trump.  

Another long, bitter diatribe about Joe Biden, who has the most progressive platform out of any Democratic nominee for President, ever.

In my mind, I always find people that say XII was the best to be strategy-haters. Personally, I simply cannot play XII. It just devolves into running up to an enemy than standing there for 10 seconds, then repeating that hundreds upon hundreds of times. I don’t know what this is, but it’s certainly not playing a game,

I know this won’t get traction, but Kikkoman soy sauce.

I know this won’t get traction, but Kikkoman soy sauce.

I put that shit on everything

I put that shit on everything

That monster of a box still has a place of prominence at the top of my game shelf, and the plush Morgana is sitting right next to my computer as I type this. Do I read the art book or listen to the soundtrack daily? No. Do I use the bag in my day to day life? No.