
This... I have no words. I’m shell shocked.

Seriously. The road to Sector 5 was AGONIZING. I just wanted it to be over so bad.

I’m... gonna be that girl and point out that I *really* hope this movie isn’t suggesting that taking cover under an overpass is a good idea in a tornado. That myth has legit caused people to die (OG Twister did that too, but that was before the 1999 Bridge Creek EF5 where multiple people died under overpasses. We know

Just played the demo last night, and yeah—the time that passed isn’t *quite* as clear in the new version. In the original, Cloud says something like “He stayed there for days, and the mansion lights never once went out.”

Re: Sephiroth going crazy...

To this day I don’t understand why Naoto being uncomfortable with her feminity automatically means she’s trans.

Especially because one of the Zanarkand Abes that you see in FMV is a *woman*. Pretty sure there are other female players too, though Blitzball isn’t my cup of tea and I didn’t play it after that first terrible intro match.

I *hate* Fromsoft games. Like, all of them, yes, even Elden Ring (which even from an art design / graphical standpoint I find massively overrated). Their design philosophy pisses me off, and the fan base is full of insufferable tryhards who are borderline cultish about it. But then, most of the appeal seemed to be (in

My neice asked for one for xmas. When I saw they’re 35$ bloody dollars, I was like “Nah”.

The Mario RPG remake, plus the announcement of the Thousand Year Doot remake next year. I *never* thought either would happen, and now I get to share both with my neices and nephews.

Cid’s not cool, though? He’s a wife-beating alcoholic has-been who is at the lowest point in his life when you meet him. The cigarette fits that perfectly, and if they wanted to send a powerful message about smoking, have him swear to quit or something once he’s finished his arc and had emotionally dealt with his

I played it when my sister was 8, and she laughed when Sephiroth made his *point* at the end of disc 1. I mean, literally cackling like a wicked witch. It was so jarring that it made ME laugh, so she sort of upended what would have been a very emotional gaming experience for me (I was 14 at the time). I still chuckle

The rating mentioned tobacco use, so it might be possible!

Miami proper isn’t really the best example of *real* (as in, hilarious) Florida. Too urban, too civilized, and way too affluent. I’m sure they have their own flavor of batshit, but most of the REALLY funny stuff tends to come from places with names like “Yeehaw Junction”—and yes, that’s a real place.

Oh don't worry--they can climb!

Here, here. So many good memories. 

You must be young. I’m old enough to remember when “double coupons” were a thing, and yeah, they counted towards sales. 

I think the Rey stuff angered people because we were gaslit to believe that Rey’s lineage mattered by TFA. Her entire reason for being is waiting for/looking for her parents, then she gets to Maz’s place and the plot HEAVILY hints at the importance of her lineage with all that stupid flashback stuff (that went

The world is grim enough as it is, so I don’t really understand the appeal of this misery simulator. Maybe it’s because I’m at the age where all my relatives are dying, but I grew out of stuff like this a while ago. :/ 

Meanwhile I sit back here crying in female because my options are “play as a dude”, which I am not, nor do I identify as one.