
Dude, TOTK did things with its physics engine that amazed even the pros (and on the underpowered Switch, no less). Ultrahand ALONE is a big enough deal to warrant the nomination, and that’s setting aside whatever black magic they employed to allow the player to travel seamlessly from the sky to the depths. *On the

Dude, TOTK did things with its physics engine that amazed even the pros (and on the underpowered Switch, no less). Ultrahand ALONE is a big enough deal to warrant the nomination, and that’s setting aside whatever black magic they employed to allow the player to travel seamlessly from the sky to the depths. *On the

Dude, TOTK did things with its physics engine that amazed even the pros (and on the underpowered Switch, no less). Ultrahand ALONE is a big enough deal to warrant the nomination, and that’s setting aside whatever black magic they employed to allow the player to travel seamlessly from the sky to the depths. *On the

The Herb killed Jezebel, and I imagine that they’re hoping we’ll shut up about it. :(

The Herb killed Jezebel, and I imagine that they’re hoping we’ll shut up about it. :(

I DREAM of a world where Capcom swallows Konami and finally gives us a modern Silent Hill that doesn’t bite the monkey. But even if a merger did happen, Konami’s IPs might sit and rot anyway.

I'm actually actively DREADING the announcement of the Switch's successor because I KNOW getting one is going to be a hot mess. 

I’m actually DREADING the launch of the Switch 2 because I know getting one is going to be a bloody nightmare. It took us 3 years (!) to snag a PS5 thanks to scalpers, and anything Nintendo is 1000% likely to get scalped to hell.

I honestly can’t wait to get out of this state. The weather is lovely (mostly) but I’m so sick of the costs, crowds, traffic, smog, and the do-nothing butt munchers up in Sacramento who claim to care (but would really rather we shut up).

Thanks for letting me know! I haven’t looked into it yet, but I definitely will now. 

I juat wish they’d release a smaller one. I have very petite hands (so small that I wear children’s gloves) and our steam deck just feels massively uncomfortable in my hands. I’d happily shell out for a smaller device even with the same specs if it means I could comfortly play the thing.

God, no. Nintendo needs to stay right where it is. If some western dev got their greasy mitts on them we’d never see fun little games like Pikmin again outside of indies.

It’s honestly a shame, because this *is* the best single player FF game since at least 12, and I’d argue 10 (I found the midgame of 12 to be a snoozefest). The music, characters, writing... it’s all really, really above par (the music especially is the best the series has had since Uemstsu). The world reminded me so

Have her try 4! The controls are buttery smooth, and your aiming snaps to your target making it WAY easier to beat bosses. Being able to gather all your Pikmin to Oatchi helps too, and I feel like you just have more control over the outcome than you did in the past.

THIS. I was soooo excited to design my house, and was hoping there would be options to buy furniture and stuff. I was so disappointed when I realized how limited it is.

I think the only new ability I’m in love with is Ascend. It’s just SO perfect for a game with so much vertical space, and I use it constantly.

Even if it’s behind XV, there’s no WAY the dev costs are as high for FFXVI. Yoshi-P turned this thing around in a respectable amount of time even with the pandemic, and marketing-wise XVI has been a lightweight compared to XV.

You’re just being silly at this point, dude. Mario RPG was a spinoff, and was always presented as such. I understood that at age 12. Now, if they’d called it Super Mario World III: The Star Road and presented it as a mainline entry, it would have gotten a LOT of kids into a tizzy back then.

Pokemon would like a word.

I'm glad the art style didn't change! It looks exactly like what the original would have looked like if it had it come out today. They look exactly like renders!

DEAD. OMG, I can’t believe I just saw that. It looks perfect...! Exactly what I would have wanted! I love that they've added some flourish to the cutscenes, too. It's the perfect remake: updated, but not to the point that it's unrecognizable.