
Meeeh, Square used to be more iterative with it’s changes. Even ATB is an iteration on turn based combat: you’re still in menus and still doing the same actions, but now you can somewhat control the flow of battle.

...I need to turn my router off.

That’s where I am. If this is something that just acts as a gentle reminder of what happened so far, I’m fine with it. I remember Dragon Quest 11 did something similar when you loaded a file, reminding you of what just happened.

The... developers couldn’t follow the story?

It reminds me of something a coworker said when the Aladdin remake came out: “I can finally watch it again!” When I asked if she wanted to borrow my copy of the original, she said she “doesn’t watch cartoons.”

Ah, I was referring to the Giant of Babel! Zeromus was like the embodiment of Zemus’s hate (or something). The CPU is like the second to last boss (not counting optional moon bosses).

What I want to know is who the hell decided that Final FANTASY needed more realism. I mean, the word FANTASY is right in the title!

Heck, the tragedy stuff more or less goes all the way back (with the exception of 1). VI in particular was EXTREMELY fucked up at parts (the Doma and Mobliz stuff in particular). But then it also has a recurring giant octopus boss.

Try doing that in FFV, and you will get SPANKED. That game goes hard on gimmicks. Almost every boss has them.

I did it. Got myself a good 20 diamonds. Honestly, rupees are just WAY too scarce, and yeah... I'd rather focus on exploring than rupee grinding.

So, I started playing Zelda in ‘88.

He doesn’t give a crap about FL. He’s just using them as a stepping stone. Any Floridians too stupid to see that deserve him. It’s the good people I feel bad for.

I’m Central Floridian born and raised and I live in SoCal now (in the Inland Empire, not the nice, sea breezy Burbank), and I would never go back. Florida is hot and swampy about 10 months out of the year. Summer is AGONIZING. We ran our AC even in winter. If the temp goes above 75, it feels miserable.

I played for 10 hours before I found the paraglider, and after dying for the umpteenth time because of falling damage, I broke down and looked at a walk-through.

Meeeh, I can't lend digital copies to my neices and nephew, so they don't really fly over here. Heck, I even wait for physical copies of indies if I can help it. 

Meh, I did the midnight launch the last two Harry Potter books, and it’s a different vibe. You’re there with other super fans, and everyone is buzzed and just vibing off each other. It was always a good time, and yeah—I have stories. It’s worth it if it’s something you really care about.

I did too, but it was just... unfun. I wanted so badly to like it (as I love BOTW and games like MH!), but it just wasn’t for me. Didn’t help that the damn game felt like it was fighting me at every step.

That Japanese review speaks to me. When BOTW came out, I was living in a crowded, smoggy suburb of LA, working a job every day that I couldn’t stand. Out condo had no green space, and every day was a boring grind. I had gone off most games.

Honestly, I'm glad they're taking their time. Actually buying the Switch 2 or whatever it's going to be is gonna be a nightmare thanks to bots. I'm 100% dreading it.

My husband had to stop due to hard crashes and bugs too, and we were on PS5. Performance mode is on. We’ve been getting FPS dips below 30 and screen tearing too, even after fiddling with the settings on our TV as was suggested online.