
Anyone know if Legacy Account creation exists yet?

Here’s the thing which drives me crazy: short of the next breakthrough in either technological interface or conceptualizing what kind of content to create, mobile will always suck, because “mobile” is a terrible way to read a blog or online newsmagazine. It’s just not ever going to be good. It will never be pleasant

Apparently things working was a glitch.

I’m not even reading this one!

I’m certain you’d be very welcome on Jezebel.

Univision didn’t buy AV Club to keep it around. They bought it to reduce competition. In a year, it’ll be absorbed into the rest of the site and any of the uniqueness of the original will be a memory.

I didn’t realize switching to Kinja was going to entail literally getting folded into the GawkerGizmodo Media template. The various GM sites already had a reasonable amount of repetitive content on popular enough topics, which I thought was especially goofy since the sites also sometimes cross-promote particular

I sure as shit am not reading any of the other sites.

It’s baffling how, for a platform that has supposedly been in development for 13 years, every single action involves an incredible amount of lag or unresponsiveness. Even the simplest action of recommending a post takes 2-3 seconds. Reloading a page often includes the disappearance of all of the recommendations/stars

I just got prostate cancer from how terrible this was.

this sucks a dead bears cock.

1) No. Life now haste no meaning.

Now that the AV Club is officially part of Kinjamodo, why are y’all still summarizing articles already posted to Kinjamodo and posting them as fresh content?

I can’t adjust to this Kinja bullshit. This site was going downhill for a long time but now it just veered off a cliff. I’ll really miss it.

pussy riot? what’s next? a dog rally?

Hey, come on now. Who doesn’t like a good mystery novel where the author explicitly states who the murderer is on the first page? There is no possible way that could detract from a properly crafted narrative. In fact, mystery ruins a good narrative the same way comments ruin a pop culture article.

I do too. Super Duck Cop is overreacting badly.

If that were true then nobody would know what the word “spoiler” meant.

I like football :-(

Its not necessary in headlines. If he goes to a Game of Thrones article and gets spoiled that’s on him but a headline about game of thrones can pop up in the margins while reading a Deadspin article or something.