
Very interesting but does anybody know where I can find an illustrated timeline of why Mike Judge is king of the pop-culture hill?

Please don’t be a dick. It makes you sound like a dick.

Oh man, are you the commenter who eats his own shit? You guys, you know he eats his own shit, right?

Man, this episode was so good... but not as good as mermaid puss!

That’s what I was saying. And this season has had a few decent contenders, too—with the premiere and “Pickle Rick” being the other two obvious choices.
When Roiland and Harmon talk about making this season perfect, I definitely see episodes that are tight as can be, but “The Ricklantis Mixup” takes that to a whole

Geez. Smell your own farts, much? It’s a cartoon with characters that have ants in theirs eyes and some that are named Mr. Poopy Butthole.

I got chills with that last shot and the music coming back in.

“Everything else is masturbation”

The following reply is approved. Click to show additional replies that are pending approval. Oh, and eat my ass and balls. 

That song is fucking terrible btw

I don’t hate Taylor Swift. Being a man in my 40's, I’m not in her fan demographics, but I enjoyed her “sweet” confessional Country phase and admired the smartly engineered pop of 1989.

“The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? ‘Cause she’s dead.”

It would be awesome (or at least interesting) if she was owning being evil with her snake emoji persona and her revenge lists, but she’s at the same time saying she’s the victim? Taylor got caught lying about giving Kanye consent to mention her in his song, which reinforces all sorts of terrible race and gender

Joey Dumba$$

I like Taylor Swift (well, her music at least. Well, some of Red and 1989), but this is just awful.

I listen to this while taking a shit

Yeah, her emails, and every other self-inflicted wound that caused enough people to conclude that she was an inveterate liar.

Kinja apparently won’t let me respond or get out of fray so y’all won’t see this - but I’m pretty sure she would have been as roasted for that as Gore was for rolling his eyes at Bush. She could do no right.

No, she’d have come across as insecure and bitchy. Well, I guess it wouldn’t have hurt her persona.

The only thing that comes remotely close to being as annoying as Trump is listening to Hillary whine about it.