
And they deleted the tweet.

Unless I’m mistaken, I think there’s a level of truth to what you’re saying.

Have one of these weird five pointed upvotes


And if you read it backwards it’s a great recipe for a lentil stew.

Kids today.

Comment/time of post synergy.

I’m just waiting to reclaim my A.V. Club account (hmph)

The more I settle in here, I have fewer (but still some) problems with the commenting system, but more with the actual site layout. An average size browser window shows me maybe 4-6 stories, all supported by images. The old site showed that same number in the image banner, plus a good 10-15 more as just text links

One might say, these girls are real CarStarks!

How about some REAL songs, kids? Where’s GG Allin’s ‘Suck My Ass It Smells’? Where’s Saliva’s ‘Click Click Boom’? WHERE - I said WHERE - is ‘Old Man River’?

Oh man, as a kid I used to have a toy Flounder from Little Mermaid and would play in the sandbox like it was the seafloor... those were better times. Kinja hadn’t been coded yet. Those were the days.

It’s been a rough day, but things seem to be getting on track.

I have some names to add to Arya’s list. Who wrote the code for Kinja, again? I am still floundering around like a kid in a shitty sandbox.

Is there a non-extra creepy version of Jared Leto?

Powerthirteen’s log, Stardate 8/23/17: I have begun to forget what it was like not to be in the greys. Hope of merging my accounts fades. All is cold. Only the hope of Blade Runner 2049 not sucking keeps me alive.

“I didn’t realize publicly calling for the deaths of millions of people would make me so hated.”

WHO THE FK CAN DISLIKE THIS I CAN THINK Of 3 I am not sure if I spell them correctly

Pfft, like she waxes her own butthole.

I miss how the news used to have it’s own section where you could immediately see half a dozen headlines right off the bat. Also the “pending comment” thing is lamesville.