
+ 1 canceraids

How do I visit a page that has all the most recent AV Club posts in reverse chronological order? If there is no way to do that, please make a way to do that.

Also, Kinja probably is a better experience for the writers than the old AV Club CMS, which I’m pretty sure was just repeatedly overhauled rather than being replaced at any time. Of course, there’s nothing about Kinja per se that prevented them from using Disqus for comments.

I’m War On Kinja, and I’ll be streaming piss all over this website for the rest of the day.

I would enjoy this. I’d also enjoy it if The A.V. Club would follow me so that I’d be ungreyed and the fact that my account merge fucked up somehow wouldn’t be the death of my attempts to comment here.

I don’t want to be a gray!

You’re in the greys. I’m in the greys. We all float down here.

Part of the problem is that people often freak out over major design changes even when they’re *not* terrible. Designers and tech teams tend to learn this lesson a bit too well, and become immune to negative feedback in the cases where the change really does suck.

Oh this is dumb. I gave you a star earlier and it turned blue, then I refreshed the page and it wasn’t blue anymore. So, I clicked again and your number went down.

Yeah, I’m very skeptical about “just create an account, we’ll tell you how to merge later.” Meanwhile, a dedicated lurker like me might never get out of the greys.

Load more comments. Load more comments. Load more comments. Load more comments. Boy, this is fucking fun, huh?

Lol no.

This is not in any way an improvement... I mean... I know y’all have to say that. You have jobs you’d like to keep.

Is there a way to organize the comments so the newest ones show up on top? Can you get some kind of notice when a new comment has been posted?

I’m really looking forward to all those Shaq comedy specials.