
The Tarantino movies you listed all have (successful) comedic elements, but I don’t think I would classify any of them as a comedy. Maybe Basterds.

Yeah, plus Blazing Saddles has that scene where everyone eats beans and farts a lot.

Grail ranks a bit higher on IMDB (8.3 vs 8.1), is tied on RT (each 97% positive), and ranks much higher on metacritic (93% vs 75%), so I don’t think it’s true that Life of Brian is universally seen as better. I do feel like I’ve seen a lot of people say they prefer it (or Meaning of Life) over Holy Grail, though.

When in a grey world,
we do as we are told.
When in a grey world,
we do not speak.
In a grey world,
we allow ourselves to be controlled.
When in a grey world,
everything is bleak.
When in a grey world,
we are all the same.
When in a grey world,
we are as cold as lead.
When in a grey world,
there lives no freedom nor fun.
When in a

I feel like “they’re optimizing for mobile,” gets thrown out to justify every terrible redesign, but in most cases the site is total ass on mobile too. Kinja is very much not an exception.

The blue dot is at least sometimes updated in page, but I would not count on any aspect of this system working consistently.

who am I, a shadow of a shadow
a no name, a faceless thing
no color
that is what I see
Everything in between

You paint yourself
With such magical colours
That not even the world
Can shade you;
Too bad I painted
Myself grey.

sometimes i feel like i am trapped;
in this dark forest
the harder i try
finding my way out
the deeper i go into it
everything that was once green and beautiful
has turned grey; to ashes
will i ever find a way out?
will i ever see the light?
or will i be spending the rest of my life;
wandering into the darkness!?

Tax reform is like eating an orange. First you have the skin... then the sweet, sweet innards.

No, no, no. It’s actually spelling out “I’M PEACH”. He’s just calling dibs on his favorite Mario Kart character.

A few months from now, as Trump resigns to avoid impeachment, his final statement as POTUS will spell out, “BUT WHAT ABOUT HER EMAILS”

Probably someone had already claimed “bossk” as a kinja username. I had the same issue but decided to just create an entirely new username, rather than modify the old one.

No comments on an old B&T post either. I hope the Library of Congress recognized their obvious cultural significance and archived all your SUPERTHREADS before the transition.

It’s German for “The Batman, The”

You know that bit in Genesis where God invents the idea of different languages to make it harder for humans to build really tall buildings? I imagine He created Kinja for similar reasons.

Tell that to Kinjaklub.

Is it possible to ironically live somewhere?