
I voted for Gary Johnson. Hateful leftists call me every day to ask where Aleppo is. How am I supposed to know? It isn’t labeled on the globe I hide my weed in. My life has become a living hell.

Wow, that IS unpleasant.

I think I just have to wait until they make it possible to merge my old AVC account (don’t have a Disqus), at which point it’ll be automatic. Hopefully.

I don’t have a proper Disqus account to link, only an “AVC Legacy”, so I think I am stuck in The Grey Waste until they roll out the ability to merge those.

I get the rationale. I find trolls easy to ignore and think insularity and cliquishness are larger threats to the health of the typical online community, so the cost/benefit ratio of this “pending” stuff seems highly unfavorable to me. I suspect this is a minority viewpoint.

+1 for teaching me how to make my dumb internet comments even worse

Is everyone in this thread bolding their uppercase E’s for some reason or is this font just weird?

Kinja go back to the front page? No, ja kin’t.

I don’t want to overstate the case, but this grey/ungrey caste system is the worst idea in the history of ideas.

You are.

Part of the problem is that people often freak out over major design changes even when they’re *not* terrible. Designers and tech teams tend to learn this lesson a bit too well, and become immune to negative feedback in the cases where the change really does suck.