lemon lyman

You were rude and condescending because she had the audacity to say she had the surgery and doesn't feel like a mutant. No further explanation needed.

"Get some perspective, please."

You berated the original commenter for having the audacity to say she had the surgery and doesn't feel like a mutant.

It has everything to do with judging a woman for what she chooses to do with her body.

A couple years ago I had to get tested for a similar cancer gene. I went through all the emotions of what I would do if it came up positive. This is something that you have to actually experience before you can judge.

Wow, your mother's surgery experience is not the fault of the original commenter. Given that the original commenter has first hand experience, I think she has GREAT perspective as to whether the surgery is mutilating or not.

I had a screening for a cancer gene my mother carries. My insurance covered it.

Every health insurance I've ever had as covered preventative screenings and treatments 100%.

Well, I guess I have to get Netflix now.

It's true, it's true. I've thought about the Rock N' Roll.

I'm so glad I stayed up for SNL last night. This skit was so hilarious, and so out of the blue. I think Bradley Cooper took Ed Helms' line. I can't believe nobody started laughing.

I know, I am definitely intimidated by the hills. But I'm running in Seattle, so I should be used to them.

Aw, yes, the dog factor. Poor little guys have a hard time keeping up sometimes. I think that changing the pace is just as good as upping the mileage.

I want to go to there...

Well, somebody should tell my body it's wrong, because when I started running regularly my metabolism spiked. I've lost about 30 pounds since I first started training for half marathons, and my body is more trimmed and toned than ever. But, you know, I guess since I don't look like a pogo stick with limbs I'm doing it

I recently sought out a mentorship type relationship with a high-level manager at my company, and to my surprise, he's willing to sit down and give me some advice. I'm just starting out, and trying to find out what I want to do with my life, so I'm pretty excited. I'm not sure if it's going to be just a one time

Yes, hahahaha. Perfectly acceptable excuse.


I loved Donna, but not Donna and Josh. Personally, Amy is my favorite female character in any tv show or movie.

That Beyonce cover doesn't sound much like AC/DC.