I don't know either. I've been a regular commenter since about 2007, and I had a star back in the day. Now all my comments are gray and nobody ever responds to them.
I don't know either. I've been a regular commenter since about 2007, and I had a star back in the day. Now all my comments are gray and nobody ever responds to them.
Maybe if Drake threatens to sue Amanda Bynes for defamation she'll stop harassing him.
I thought it was her too!!!
This wasn't just an attack on Boston. The greatest runners from all over the country and the world run the Boston Marathon. This was a terrorist attack on America. Yes, it was a domestic terror attack, but it was still perpetrated against the country. There is NOTHING wrong with the citizens of Boston and the rest of…
Domestic or not, it was a terrorist attack on the USA.
I'm not sure, but I would think property insurance at least would cover police damage. If not that, maybe the city had insurance to pay for it. This is a good question, I hope Diane answers it tomorrow.
I think it's okay for Lindy to write about Tyler Perry, but I agree that she should have a) read some earlier critiques and b) made new points. She just regurgitated the same arguments black feminists have been making for ten years now.
I would assume insurance would cover that.
I remember Gwen Stefani getting a lot of flak for the bindi she used to wear when No Doubt first came out. I thought it was offensive, but from reading the comments I've learned a lot about bindis and why and how they're worn, so thanks for this article.
I heard him on All Things Considered. He was guiding a blind runner.
These are the types of people that should be filling our prisons. Anybody who would abuse a creature that is so helpless and unable to defend itself deserves the same treatment they give their captors.
John Wayne ain't got nothin' on Mac's fringe game!
Yes, I couldn't stand her at first but then I realized it's so much easier to just roll with it and be entertained by it.
I think I posted in groupthink, but I'm not sure. Now I think I'm responding to this post. Am I? Who knows?
After suggestions from several Jezzies I started watching Friday Night Lights, and it turned into a obsessed marathon.
This is how I feel about chocolate cake.