Ryan Gosling is no Chris Pratt.
Ryan Gosling is no Chris Pratt.
She also is a cancer survivor, having been diagnosed at 2 months old with liver cancer. She's had a lot of scrapes. I also once found her floating in the bathtub, asleep.
Recently Jared Leto, like any other self respecting forest spirit with internet access posted a picture of himself…
Her love is self-reportedly like wo.
I thought it was obvious by now that Scott is the troll of the Kardashian clan. He's not serious.
Maybe try being proud of the really great effort they put in and for going further in this tournament that they've ever done before?
And those are just the online purchases...
You officially made my day with this comment. I needed that. Haha.
Plastic surgery =/= putting on a modern minstrel show.
The thing I find most grating about Iggy is that she raps in a fake accent. I'm okay with her adopting some aspects of black culture based on her experiences in the US, but there is a difference between being influenced by something and mimicking it, and Azalea's faux-Black rapping is on the wrong side of that line.
Of the military? Maybe not. Of the every day members of the military, showing a gesture of respect for their individual service is not a bad thing.
Well its not like there's any need to fly across an ocean when you can walk on water anyways :P
Aww! I'm giving her fellow ginger Louis CK credit for giving her the idea, even if he didn't really.
At first I thought he had been arrested on stage mid-musical, and now I am sorely disappointed.