lemon lyman

I am seriously considering doing this! Do you think I should ask to transfer or wait and see if they ask me? I would definitely want a pay raise. This is my first "real" job, so I don't know how to go about doing something like this! I already know this move would benefit me just by putting me in a better environment

Maybe you mistook it for the Hitchcock film by the same name?

Hmm, okay. There's a repair place in town that can do it for $55. So if the Apple store doesn't give me a replacement phone I will go there.

Did it cost $250?

Dropped my iPhone 3gs on a glass counter and the screen shattered! Blerg! According to the guy at the AT&T store because I have apple care I can get it replaced for $50. But still. I don't want to lose all my stuff. I guess it was bound to happen, I've only dropped it like 50 million times.

I don't know where you were shopping, but the mall I work at was PACKED from midnight to midnight. Huge lines for every check out in our store, and the fitting rooms were full of people and mountains of clothes.

I never see/read facebook messages.

Last week I posted about my troubles at work with my formerly awesome coworker turned power-trippin' assistant manager. I work in a corporate position at a department store. This week I'm filling in at a store about 20 miles north of the one I work at, and I'm going to be filling in every other week indefinitely until


I was hoping for some AD gifs.

the buuurning!!!

Watching this right now!!! Just finished this scene, love it!

I can have it all!!

Oh, man, I wish I had this on the blackface post the other night...

It's mostly Mariah Carey dissing everyone.

I think maybe Buster is too busy having a love affair with an ice cream sandwich.

That outfit makes no sense. A jacket over a bra and panties and heels? What? I know it's a photo shoot, but still. Why would you ever wear that?

I love New Girl, I don't see any negative woman stereotypes. I think Jess is an interesting, unique character. For TV. I see there being a lot of room for the characters to grow and evolve in fun ways.