lemon lyman

I don't think the shows' problems stem from them being unfunny women, they stem from them being just plain unfunny. I watched Whitney for the first time last week, and it was the most poorly written, terribly overacted, boiling vat of hot mess I've ever seen on TV. I feel the same way about 2 Broke Girls. The concept

Sigh, Lilly Tomlin won my heart as Deborah Fiderer on the West Wing... <3

haha, oh I love Angie. However! I do often watch 30 Rock and wonder if it is white people comedy..? I try to put myself into the perspective of a person of color, and think if I would think it was as funny. I think a lot of times it's hard to see it from that perspective. I don't think it's racist, or purposely

See, I think it just has to do with personal preference. I don't love Tina Fey because she's a woman. I love her because she makes me laugh so hard I almost pee my pants. The only think that (I know of) that I've seen of Diablo Cody's was Juno, which I hated.

Well, I love Tina Fey because she's hilarious and everything she touches turns to gold. But that's just me.

Not surprising, she had a whole song celebrating domestic violence! And when people took offense to it she said it was a love song.

She beat Adele for something? That makes me kind of sad.

No. People always ask me that. Maybe it's because my lemon is so yellow.

Maybe she thinks that if she doesn't act surprised people will think she's arrogant?

Aww, she's not a mean girl she just doesn't take crap from people. I love Lemon!

I feel like they stole their schtick from Das Racist.

Thanks. The tough part is that it doesn't happen all the time, just sometimes. It is becoming more regular. But then sometimes we get along really well.

Thanks, I know I have to stop talking to her and telling her things like a friend. And I will start writing things down, because when I talk to my boss about it later I don't remember specifics. I have been trying to stand up for myself, but it sounds like my boss wants me to just go to him instead of doing that.

At work my coworker, who I generally like, recently was promoted to assistant manager. I'm the one who gave her the idea to apply for the job, and she didn't really want to do it, but I convinced her to.

I love Cary Grant!

That was my first thought.

I love juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuiiice!!!!! :)

I work in LP at a department store.

Oh, uh, I thought that was what that was...

It's a sin? Isn't that series super Christian or something?