That is a very happy looking O...
That is a very happy looking O...
Aaah! My pants are too big for me and fall off (in the process of losing weight). This is becoming a problem at work. Had to tackle somebody with my boss, reviewed it later on video and my butt is hanging out all over the place! Embarrassing!!! I need a belt...
You can dress like her, but blackface is racist. Dressing like her and painting your skin black are two different things. You are in denial of your white privilege.
And hand gestures. And she has to wait like five minutes before she can spit her line out, either because she can't remember it or she's trying not to laugh...
And they have these amazing 'themed' episodes. There was a bottle episode. There was an episode where everybody became a zombie. And, of course, a series of epic paintball battle episodes.
NBC has cancelled a lot of really great shows, so I find it really hard to trust them and/or predict what they might do.
Yes, it is I who is the troll.
Seriously, I thought people stopped making that argument after the 5th grade, but apparently not. Because, you know, racism ended when slavery did. OBVIOUSLY. WTF was Martin Luther King even TALKING about?
Okay, well you basically said that you don't care about the historical implementations of blackface, and that you don't give a shit if it's seen by people of color as hurtful and racist, and as a way of turning them into a caricature. You also said that America was founded for white people only, and if black people…
It ceased being peaceful when they starting antagonizing and fighting police. Not to mention, they were blocking an extremely busy intersection causing major traffic backups.
They are.
Seriously, that's all I keep hearing from them is how short staffed they are and how they have to work so much overtime. The John Williams thing pisses me off. Now, that is an example of excessive, unnecessary use of force.
It wasn't a definitive judgement.
Yeah, they have to get pepper sprayed and then walk, like, 15 feet and wrestle with/handcuff somebody. It's really painful, but the worst part is that you feel it for about a week.
I think a couple bad apples ruin the bunch is a good way to view Seattle PD. They're generally really good guys and gals. They use force when they deem it necessary. Did you see the coverage of the protests at the Chase bank on Capitol Hill? They used SO much restraint.
I know and work pretty regularly with some Seattle PD officers, and they have told me about the horrors of being pepper sprayed. (They have to get sprayed, tazed etc. in training). One officer told me he'd rather be tazed than pepper sprayed, because it was the worst experience of his life. So I know they only use it…
Seriously? I now feel the need to speak up in defense of the Seattle PD. Wow, I never thought that would happen. This story is being sensationalized because it's an elderly woman. I am sure the police did not aim pepper spray at an old lady. Pepper spray, as noted below, travels.
I know, I'm saying I don't understand why. It's terrible.
I'm not Indian, but I found the show to be racist. I only watched one episode and refused to ever watch it again. And I told all my friends not to watch it, I couldn't believe a show like that actually aired on American network TV.
I don't understand why anybody watches that show, it's not funny! But I don't think anything on CBS is funny.