I wonder if they count online views? I watch it every week on Hulu (sometimes twice). I will start watching each episode 50 times a week if it means it won't get canceled.
I wonder if they count online views? I watch it every week on Hulu (sometimes twice). I will start watching each episode 50 times a week if it means it won't get canceled.
"I don't want to be lectured by white women who think they know."
The arguments I am seeing down here seem to be pointing out intent. If racism isn't intended, than it shouldn't be viewed as offensive. People seem to be forgetting that the worst, scariest type of racism is the type that isn't intentional, or the type that isn't acknowledged. This is where the term check your…
Yay! I always feel weird talking about it, because I feel like people are judgey when they find out I use pads.
I think the Lion King post was my favorite. Thank you.
I just read the IMDB page for that movie, and it looks AWESOME. I never thought blackface was okay, but can I still watch it? I wonder if they have it at Blockbuster...
Oh! I thought the Family Friendly sign was a warning to those of us who don't like screaming children.
Yes, it sucks. I have to change my protection every hour or horrible things happen.
My period is that heavy, on my heaviest days, that I cannot stand in the bathroom with no protection without getting blood all over the floor. Wish my periods were as light as yours apparently are.
I don't think I've ever heard Adele on the radio. I listen to an independent station, but I'm sure they've played her. I adore her, and listen to her on my ipod all the time, however. I don't think I could get sick of her, though.
She did have a record before 21, you know. And it wasn't about her ex-boyfriend, because she wasn't even dating him yet, according to an interview I read. It's a record, it was written about a specific time in her life. The next record, I'm sure, will not be about him. All musicians do this. The good ones do, at…
I don't like wings, but I always use them because the ones without wings get all bunched up! Not helpful.
Yes, thank you! I, too, am not a star-crossed Brad Pitt lover. But his acting speaks for itself in why he is such a huge star. He is brilliant in all those films you listed, and the ones Seoul Sister listed. He is truly one of the most compelling actors I've ever seen.
I adore Harvey!
Yay! Thanks!
And cover up her crazy eyes?
I turned chat off because I have a friend who wants to chat every.time I log on.
Sigh, my three day weekend is coming to an end. So quickly it came and went. However! My last blast is: cuddling under a blanket and watching my favorite movie, The Philadelphia Story! Kathrine, Jimmy and Cary! My loves...
That's what I thought too, but that didn't bother me as much as the fact that she thought telling the world she's in agreement with Dick Cheney about torture was a good way to win support.