lemon lyman

This isn't a fever!!

Ugh. I went to the gym after work today, and there was a group of meathead guys in the weight room. And they were making fun of me. This is why I hate going to the gym! Do they think this will get them laid?

I can't believe there's a TV show about coupons.

Is it just me, or does it make the boobs look really weird?

lol maybe you replied before she edited...

Yes, that is clearly what she was saying.

No! I love his voice. It's unique and descriptive, and so perfect for his music. Nobody can sing like him. Bob Dylan songs just aren't the same when sung by other people.

haha! You should follow behind him and roar back.

Bob Dylan can do no wrong. Also, holy hell, Tina, that is a LOT of money. Damn.

I don't mind if they wear gloves, I mean it helps with the grip on the weights. However! Please, men, must you grunt and scream? We get it, you're working out hard. We can see, we don't need to hear it too.

@all Thank you! The ones I got are slim, and they have a cardboard applicator. We'll see how it goes.

My friend has natural black hair and uses Be Curly. Seems to be the only thing she can find that really works. She has pretty, pretty curls.

Yes. I have curly hair, and Be Curly is one of the only good leave-in conditioners that doesn't make my hair crunchy or greasy. I put it in once after washing my hair (I never use a quarter-size though, maybe a little smaller than a penny), and let it air dry.

Okay guys, I need help. I've never used tampons before. I've tried, but I'm kind of scared to put anything up there. I always get freaked out and stop. But I feel like a dork, because everybody else uses them.

Lol, thank you, now I'm going to be watching those clips all night. I just finished the last season (again).

I just made a bad call. Thought I saw something I didn't, and had to make the call quickly. Turns out it was the wrong one. I think it will be okay, I just wish they didn't have to go down with me.

Really, really, really bad thing happened at work tonight. And it was my fault. And my coworkers who were involved are in trouble too. I feel horrible. Even though it was my fault, we all have to deal with the same consequences.

It looks like she may be kissing his cheek. So maybe it was just a quick peck.

I don't know who Edna Mode is, but I love Edith Head!

Hope Lindsay doesn't pull a Lindsey Bluth and sleep through her one day of employment...