I think I agree with you.
I think I agree with you.
I believe audiences want to see smart, funny ladies talking dirty, hell, talking about anything. However, I watched this show with very high hopes and I just can't get behind it. The actors are terrible, it's over done, the script is way over the top and unbelievable. If they just toned it down a little bit, I think…
Cronkite wept because the news industry would be losing such a brilliant anchor, right?
I may be beating a dead horse here, but since when do kids say, "Oh, I was going to start having sex but I might get HPV, so I guess I'll wait until I'm married."
Oh, well I dunno. Black Eyed Peas is just terrible, in my opinion. So maybe, no matter how good of a producer you are, there is no helping them.
The Office skit was hilarious! The Lonely Island music was was pretty bad, but maybe that was just the video quality. Is Maya Rudolph wearing pink spanx? Brilliant.
Oh it makes me happy to see Rob Lowe commenting on the Emmys. Maybe I need to watch Mad Men...
The Michelle Williams quote reminded me of this song. I think this should be her new job.
Some people just work better behind the scenes.
I agree, and I feel like the Daily Show would get just as much flack from Jezebel and others if they hired a bunch of women just to say they've hired a bunch of women.
There was a shocking lack of Troy and Abed in that trailer. Shocking.
Every time I think of castor oil I'm reminded of my mom's horror stories about my great grandma taking it and then barging in on her when she was in the bath tub because 'I TOOK MY CASTOR OILLLLLL!!!!!!'
Can I come? I'm watching the first season right now...
He's smizing, can you tell?
Jerseys always seem to be baggy on everybody, so I don't understand why there need to be sizes in men's and women's. I always just buy men's jerseys and sweatshirts.
That dog is so fierce.
Sounds like one of those bait and switch 'abortion' clinics.
@all Thanks guys!!
I made it through college without reading it. I read other stuff though.
So you can develop it over time, but it's developed in childhood? So what if, like RisaPlata said, somebody gets brain damage that results in IQ lower than 70?