Therefore, CSR should have more authority since their supervisors are busy.
#2 and #3: Why is it that when I do ask for a supervisor, I get the same response ‘All our supervisors are in meetings or interviews’? This leads to ‘The supervisor will call you tomorrow’ and the supervisor doesn’t call until 2 to 5 days later....CSR need more authority than what they have or else they will still be…
I don’t have kids yet but reading this article gave me a headache trying to process the various analyses the author described. I make a living as an analyst and I don’t think I can take anymore analysis in my home.
I totally read this entire article in Stefan’s voice.
She also had a great interview with Marc Maron on his podcast discussing her harem days.
Jamie Kennedy and Seth Meyers did a stand-up event at my college and one of my friends got Jamie Kennedy’s phone number so we met up with him, Seth Meyers, and the opening act afterwards. The opening act was a dick and I don’t remember his name but he’s definitely not a famous comedian so he’s just a no name dick.…
Reminds me of The Simpsons:
Internet mom to the rescue!
Getting married in Philly in a few weeks and total cost is looking like $35k (still have not received all the RSVPs yet). Most of the budget is for the awesome foods (beef dumplings and cheesesteak eggrolls nom nom nom) and classic rock cover band.
Story time!
Aqua Teen Hunger Force needs to be in the Library of Congress.
Search for clothing items you already own on Pinterest so you can see how bloggers or other people style them for outfits. I had no idea pale pink coordinated with red after searching for outfits with red pants!
I admit I talk about myself more than I ask questions, but this is when someone tries to engage in small talk. I don't know what to ask when making small talk so I'll just answer their question until I make them laugh. Do I repeat the same questions? I don't want the person asking more questions. I'm just trying…
English grammar. I went through public schooling in Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Kansas and I wasn't properly taught basic grammar until I started taking foreign language classes in late high school. I remember my 7th grade teacher attempting to teach grammar but the majority of my class didn't understand…
Since my sorority didn't have a house, we had to have parties at bars and the bars acted as third party vendors. It worked out ok until a girl from a different sorority passed out in the closet of one of the bars that usually hosted parties and was not discovered until the next day.
I'm 27 and my mother still goes with her knee-jerk reaction. It's frustrating.
hahaha floor cleaner but now you've intrigued me with marital aid...go on.
hahaha floor cleaner but now you've intrigued me with marital aid...go on.
Could expand on this? My fiance and I registered for one after reading positive reviews and comparing to other models. Is there a vacuum you prefer?
Could expand on this? My fiance and I registered for one after reading positive reviews and comparing to other…
My fiance and I are registered for one and can't wait to get it!
My fiance and I are registered for one and can't wait to get it!