
Has anyone tallied up or recorded how many times Aniston has been pregnant according to magazine covers? It has to be around 40 pregnancies so far.

This year feels more difficult than the past because my fiance's grandma was diagnosed with cancer this fall so I feel forced to go to more of his family events.

Preach! I can't stand my fiance's mother. She plans family events 3 months in advance and expects you to confirm the date right away since you don't any thing planned yet!

What took so long to post this?!?! Finally!

Now playing

You can just write "Coupon" on the back of a piece of paper, and Bed Bath and Beyond will still honor it.

I don't know if I'd want to believe it but it's a fascinating dynamic between the three because I can imagine JFK cheating on Jackie but I can't picture Bobby cheating on Ethel.

The Marilyn-JFK-RFK trio....true or false?

I had food poisoning my senior year of college after my sorority's formal on a boat. Oh, that boat was a bad idea. At first, I was only throwing up. I thought it was the mystery meat on a stick the boat served. Nope.