
Your stars get more and more impressive each day, antiqt!

No, you cannot blame the victim for “not doing her due diligence.” She consented to sex with a man who she knew as Kye, under the premise that “Kye” was everything he had said — a man, with a non-prosthetic penis, recovering from a brain tumor, who happened to be Filipino/Latino. She did not consent to sex with a

If someone lies so as to have sex with you, and you would not have consented to sex without the lie, then it is rape. Full stop. Consent is dependent on all partners agreeing to sex of their own free will. By lying, the perpetrator in this case removed the victim’s ability to consent to sex. This is for each and every

If you are covered by insurance, Planned Parenthood can’t afford to give you an IUD for free. The insurance company will reimburse her for the bill if she pays it out of pocket to start, apparently according to the company’s statement. PP uses a sliding scale based on income and insurance coverage, and needs to

Think of the electricity savings! That apartment is HUGE and I’m sure that it is probably energy inefficient.

She sounds like excellent company. I wouldn’t mind sharing a place like that with Mrs. Spencer, so long as we could both live politely. Heck, I’ll even pour her a glass of wine each night, if that would keep us on good terms. I like to drink with company!

There is such a thing in some states as a “wrongful birth” lawsuit, basically alleging that if the parents were fully informed of the facts about their fetus, they would not have aborted, rather than letting the baby continue to term. It’s often used in situations where an infant is severely disabled in a way that was

FWIW, when I lived in Dubai, Subway had two cheese options — yellow cheese and white cheese, and that was how you ordered. Yellow or white, that’s it. None of the workers knew what kind of cheese each one was, you just ordered by color. So, while unlikely, it is entirely possible that these people had lived in areas

I’ve traveled in, out, and inside of the U.S. with a ton of books that size packed into a backpack. It may be a rule, but it’s definitely not uniformly enforced.

As the season went on, I felt like Kaitlyn became less and less the funny, interesting, adventurous woman I recognized from the Bachelor and more cookie-cutter Bachelorette. It’s probably a lot of producing on both shows to create a character and a narrative that will sell, and maybe just the general stress of

!: The brain doesn’t finish developing until age 25, including the parts that weigh risks in high-stress situations.

Except stories like this pop up almost every year, with young women hiding pregnancies and then killing the infant, so clearly it does push some young women to murder.

I don’t think there was a hospital to let her know — usually when this kind of thing happens the woman gave birth in secret at home, and the articles seem to support that. Just another element that adds to the tragedy of this entire situation, unfortunately. From the first link:

Which is why I’m personally thinking she probably was dealing with a mental crisis about the pregnancy — people in crisis don’t necessarily act logically, especially young women who are in denial about being pregnant at all. Contraceptives fail, women who have sex are stigmatized, young women who get pregnant out of

This is so sad, for everyone involved. I don’t know this woman or her circumstances, but it’s one more ringing condemnation of the anti-woman policies that restrict comprehensive sex education, birth control, abortion, and health care and leave women and children in untenable situations. Even if she had all the



It depends on if he has a sense of shame or not. My uncles go for the easy target, and I tend to assume someone who would do this drunk would be less than embarrassed sober.

I know people love to ham it up for these things, and it can be fun, but dude... know your partner well enough to know when you’re going to totally humiliate them. If her uncles are anything like mine, she’ll get ribbed about this for years at family parties.

You know the worst thing? Most of us do, in my experience (which is probably biased because I’m mostly friends with self-possessed, feminist women). And then the guys start to rely on me to plan everything, so I end up doing the majority of planning and the emotional labor that goes with it if I keep seeing someone.