
Lol what? She lost her career?? That analysis isn’t based on any sort of fact just feeling, just like Nikki’s double standard above (plenty praised her for her anaconda, plenty criticized Kardashian).

In a way exposing the deplorables to the light of the sun is the only way to kill them off. It’s like giving an open wound some fresh air.

I personally hope even after the election more and more shit keeps coming out about him. He doesn’t just deserve to lose, he deserves to have his life upended.

Listen, if there’s any positive thing to come out of this election it’s that these people are coming forward and identifying themselves. What we gotta do now is wait til the election is over, find these people, tag their ears, and notify the general public that those who are tagged are not to be trusted as teachers,

I don’t know...man...I still kind of hate ..wait, I thought this was a St Louis Cardinals thread.

Sorry guys I got no jokes here. I hate this man so much. I want him to die and I want to piss on his grave. Oh and any Trumpie cultists who want to start shit can fuck off and die. You are all scum.

Every time Gary Johnson gets in front of a camera he makes a fool out of himself. I don’t buy that he would show up for the debate and people would suddenly think “I want this eccentric, poorly-dressed, colossally ignorant bro to be President.”  

I feel like the sentence structure makes him the bitch (I am admittedly not great at parsing sentences)

The irritated drink stirring is my favorite part. It’s like he can’t cuss the dude out, so he has to do something to let the energy out.

Can pregnant ladies please occupy the front row at tomorrow’s debate and glare balefully at trump?

It’s pretty deliciously ironic that the two things bringing Trump down (maybe?) are the things he claims to be the best at: making money and hooking up with hot women.

You forgot to mention the barbecued fetus they are serving, dipshit.

Yeah, Trump isn’t the problem. The shockingly high number of people who think Trump should be president is.

Okay, I want to say something a little bit controversial here...

Can you actually imagine Jezebel publishing an article entitled “Could X’s Sexual Assault Accusation Have Been Staged?”

I read that as the “Demi Lovato mermaid fart story” and was a little disappointed. Meh. She said it was gorgeous, just not her body. I don’t really think that makes her a bitch.

No. It’s clean.

Nope. Fuck you. I’m a lifelong Vikings fan and I’m already too optimistic. This is going to end horribly...

At least the fans’ wrist shots were more accurate than the Flyers were.