
I happened to see Urgh! A Music War not too long after it came out as a wee lad. It’s an amazing testament to bands long gone and others who would go on to bigger things. Of all the acts Gang of Four was the one that stood out in a major way for me. They only played two songs but I felt changed when they were done.

You bet, that’s what I’m here for...and your political affiliation in no way negates my comment.  You don’t have to be one to roll like one.

I’m going to someone’s version hell for laughing at her description of the event as hard as I did.  I feel better knowing it was probably fake.

I love that you keep with the Conservative tradition of going into an argument at 100% effort with 10% of the facts.

Yeah, I get that, it in no way justifies peacocks on airplanes. This is a policy that started innocently and is now being taken advantage of by some to justify pet silliness which in turn makes them the unfair representative of those genuinely in need of something like this.

Its hard when you’re full of it and trying to defend an ideology not rooted in facts on a daily basis. Being in constant fight or flight response can fray nerves to no end.

The end is on the horizon, Mom’s all over America are keeping their kids from playing youth Football, programs that saw 300 kids to begin a season are seeing less than a third of that now.

All this waste of personal and tax payer money just so she could brag about her daughters being in USC to her friends who have now abandoned her.  But judgement ultimately is with the response, Felicity did it right, beyond right actually, Aunt Becky couldn’t have responded worse if she tried.

Screw that noise, I nor any other tax payer wants to pay this cretin’s daily expenses for the rest of his life. Sudden, undiagnosed valve issues or heart attack from the shock of sentencing would save a lot of money. 

Wretched POS, nothing more. The networks bring his stupid sideshow on all the time for this type of press so this site and their network are just part of his free of charge PR campaign. But please, continue to be his tool while structuring the article to look like your half halfheartedly clutching your pearls. 

“Some” offenders most definitely refers to offenders of color.  Come on people, its Alabama, the state where the Caucasian gene pool goes to die.  I’m sure a bunch of chemically castrated ex-cons are going to be docile and happy once they get out of prison and have no harbored rage for society in general.

I have to say, I agree with list for the most part.  A few are good only when given the weirdest roles possible but not when playing it straight but overall, yeah.

An idiot family elected by idiots, shocking.

Is she standing in a giant yogurt cup in the accompanying picture?  

Boomers are completely clueless as to what their world was like in all areas compared to that of Millennials.  Its not just car culture.  As a child of that generation it amazes me the level of ignorance they have and spite they sling at younger people because of it.  This situation is just a symptom of a larger

What this article doesn’t address is that at any one time a full 1/3 of your co-workers are either narcissists, mentally unbalanced or both.  With these conditions comes the desire to troll others constantly with behaviors that both draw attention to themselves and push the intended victims to responses that can then

I can’t say anything about the new album but I liked their first three and plenty of bands have started under the same youthful arrogance. Glad you finally came up with article for the day, you must have been struggling and finally decided, well, might just have to find something I hate and write a click-bait,

Come on now, no need to insult dogs to justify a point.  Dogs eventually realize they need to come at a problem from a new angle, unlike dumb guys.

described himself as a “victim” of pornography, having been introduced to it by a friend in high school.”

I like his articles and the profanity.  It adds color and fun to any article I read but there is an art to it that Jason gets.