
I am not a Jon Favreau fan by any stretch (I didn’t care for the Iron Man movies, and I have a visceral hatred of Chef) but this sounds pretty good.

Stranger Things may have new characters next season that will continue to play upon your nostalgia, but please be sure to remember that no matter what happens Jefferey Epstein didn’t kill himself.

The only thing I need to know about The Terminator Universe is how it relates to sports and the act of sticking to said sports. 

Man, this poor guy. I saw when he posted this in the Twin Peaks subreddit. He got pretty knocked around by the peanut gallery for that aforementioned confidence. Ended up posting this long thing about how disappointed he was and how he was leaving forever. Bummed me out to read. We really need to work on the overall to


Rian Johnson could be going through a Paul Feig type situation. Paul feig did really poorly with Ghostbusters reboot, but did really well with A Simple favor. Maybe Rian isn’t built for hug Star Wars Films, does well with something like Knives Out.

Most the Star Trek clothing resemble costumes, not uniforms. I like the ones from Star Trek II-IV, but most others? Blah. Also, they should be functional. Give those people some pockets, for goodness sake! When some alien Queen-Babe slips Kirk her number on the back of a card, where does he put it? Yeah, he needs a

The best thing about this is that it will eat away at him way, way, way more than things like “credibly accused of being a Russian asset” or “revealed almost daily, often by his own idiotic admission, to have participated in criminal activity.”

God, I hope that "lock him up" chant burned its way into his insecure little facsimile of a soul and we get a torrent of rage tweets about it tomorrow. HOOK IT TO MY VEINS!


I mean, she has a fucking jacket saying that very thing. I don’t know why we even had to dig into that one... it’s not like there was any ambiguity.

Yeah, but let’s be honest, mediocre QB is a complex concept in the NFL. There are teams like Chcago or Buffalo who would probably kill for a mediocre QB at the moment.

You’ll forgive me if I don’t see which part of what I said was critical of Rian Johnson, The Last Jedi, or indeed this show.

There are times when I think it’s aimed more at toddlers. One of the things I loved about Clone Wars and Rebels was that it didn’t have to dumb things down. They tackled some heady stuff in a kid’s show, and in a way that respected kids’ ability to handle those topics. Resistance has a glimmer of that at points, but

This seems like an awful lot of praise for what sounds like nothing more than doodling in The Last Jedi’s margins two years after it came out.

I know this show is geared toward younger children but do they really have to dumb things down with Kaz and his green friend almost constantly acting clumsy and goofy? My 11 year old grandkids love the Star Wars movies but refuse to watch this show so maybe it’s aimed at a even younger audience?

You think the animals you eat get to be in pastures? They're kept in factory farms and feed soy and grains. Many never see sunlight in their entire lives

Let me get this straight, you (and apparently the beef industry) are afraid that beef is going to be taken down by the veggie burger industry? It isn’t going to happen. Not only is your preferred source of protien and vitamins going to be freely available for the foreseeable future, it just is not going to disappear.

Just reinforces, like the Ellen controversy, that the rich and powerful life a totally different life. No matter their political social or other group affiliation, they are rich and powerful first. They will always stick together and screw everyone else.

Oh my fucking god. The persecution complex is so fucking REAL with these assholes.