
If that happened, I might literally die from schadenfreude.

Nope...I said it months ago.

Now playing

This is all well and good, but Emmett Otter is still an underrated classic. So let's focus on the important things.

which is a different thing that is not racism

I’m pretty sure a St. Louis jury would find the Rams liable of the Kennedy assassination, the Challenger disaster, and the Pulse nightclub shooting.

EVERY 15 year old thinks they are grown up, their parents are holding them back and they need to move out. One good thing about being lower middle class, my parents could just reply “How are you planning to pay for that?” 

In a restaurant full of people, he chose to publicly shame and threaten some people who spoke Spanish, and could have actually ruined their lives if he had followed through with calling ICE. And when this video came out, it became clear that he had done this type of stuff before. He isn’t a victim, and this sentiment

Counterpoint: Public shaming may be the tool most appropriate to change not only his behavior, but that of the next racist.

the oldest living person according to the Russian government

This has nothing to do with her being an immigrant; she had a mental illness, refused to treat it and her family engaged in a coverup on her behalf. Plenty of Americans have engaged in both of those behaviors. The tragedy is that those kids are dead and those parents hearts are shattered, don’t pretend that Yoselyn

No, she is a psychopath. Full stop. Her race or nationality have nothing to do with that. To say that it does is to do a disservice to the millions and millions of law-abiding immigrants in this country trying hard to make a good life.

An apologia for a child murderer.

Professional designer working OSX at work, W10 PC at home, former lifelong Apple user, you have my axe

And how many dongles do you have to show for it?

If you’re a big enough fool to buy into the “its so thin we can’t even fit USB ports” gimmick then you deserve the crappy keyboard.

I want her to divorce him while in office; cable news would go insane.

Who the hell expects their friends to buy them a phone?

They see being on online rapper easier than the traditional hustle of building your fanbase locally. This way they get a lot of attention from suburban kids who want to be seen as cutting edge, and then parlay this into radio and label work. If they originally came from the internet, chances are they are trash.

Trust me, I’m 24 and a big rap fan, and I still feel out of it with these people. I can handle people like Yachty and Uzi to a certain extent, but dudes like this or Lil Pump make me cringe. Stop letting these stupid kids with a billion face tattoos, stupid hair and trash bars get famous.

The ultimate goal is to beat the shit out of them. They’re responsible for their own fucking conversion.