
The Sharks will also probably make the playoffs ... then lose.

Cannot resist.

Of course the Niners are stupid, Drew. It takes a special kind of stupid to let seven eat you.

This move will set them back 5-6 years. Kaep's career is in jeopardy because of this, too.

I can share my kitten with you. We're moving tomorrow and he packed himself on the suitcase because he's cool and wanted to help.

Feeling super awkward now because that shirt wouldn't even come close to covering my areolas if I was in her place.


I'm no expert, but I've read a few books, and I'm pretty sure she's going to need those nipples.

Where'd they go?

This is ridiculous! It's okay for her entire breast to be exposed except the nipple. This standard for censoring women's breast is just so bizarre. I can see her entire boob except for where her nipples should be, it's just ridiculous! #FreeTheNipple

Or the stylist had these:

I don't disagree with the privacy objections, but I've avoided Facebook for a much simpler reason: it feels like a very impersonal form of interaction. I tried it for a year, and all I saw were individuals talking to their respective audiences rather than other individuals, which seems like an inherent hazard in a

Not sure if it's "body-shamey", but it's certainly racist.

This particular white girl would be a contender in any booty-off thankyouverymuch.

I understand what you mean, but you know that lots of white women have big asses, right?

RG3 is proof that the world is a shitty place. In a just world, he would have to almost any other organization, been paired with a good head coach and coordinator, and had a very productive fifteen career. Instead, he gets two petty coaches in three years and a shitty, clueless owner and this marvelous clusterfuck of

I bet her farts go through three generations before they are free.

Yep. It's a shame that most HOA's won't allow an RV to be visible from the street, yet these things infect neighborhoods all over the damn place.