
That has to be the most First World cry baby confession I’ve seen in quite a while. Dude needs some serious perspective on life.

Absolutely, especially your last point. The social devastation they’ve caused in the third world is mind boggling.

Well said, I’ve thought of that often myself. I imagine in some cases, especially family, keeping what’s left of a sizable fortune has to be a motivating factor. They have to be disgusted by everything he’s admitted to regardless of what the verdict turns out to be.

The fact that I had no idea of the source being shaded made this even funnier. I started with WTF and finished laughing my arse off. Well played good sir.

A sea of 90 all gathered in one place.

Good idea but he would just get turned on by his nipples hardening from the cold. Then he would ask all the women throwing if said hard nipples get them excited.

Well put and the probably the largest motivating factor for Taylor switching from Country to Pop.

I don’t care what age you are, if you have it in you to do this to any living animal just for fun you’re a fucking psychopath.

Honestly, you seem like a better person than I in this regard with a much bigger heart than I possess for these types of individuals. Cover me on this one because all of my empathy and sympathy is reserved for his victims, their families, children in war torn countries, domestic abuse victims, etc.

Another success story from the home schooled Christian Fundamentalists.

Tough shit, society failed tons of people who didn’t become murderers. He had everything in the end and fucked it up. My only thought is how much money the state will save housing this guy. Good fucking riddance.

Fucking Barbarian regardless of her education level.

Wow, when you stereotype you really give it your all!

Oh Kendall, when were you not a laughing stock along with your entire family? And you’ve actually never worked a day in your life so there is plenty of time to start.

Trump’s a chump but I would have wanted this guy gone regardless of the current shit stream that is Washington leadership.

And this from a man who doesn’t like Islam because its so extreme. All he is admitting to is that he doesn’t trust himself.

I had a feeling this link to C would never be disproved, it always seemed to make sense. At my age too everyone I’ve ever known who maintained their red meat obsession through their 40's and 50's looks like utter shite now.

You can’t win, I place them in the “one step backwards” column. For every two people propelling us forward two steps as a society in both progress and culture there is one who combined with the others in their category dragging us back one. If not for them we might be in the equivalent of year 2172. Many groups

Yes but Iceland has at least one good city as you stated. Wyoming does not.