
Yes, I will remember how stupid your comment was.

True, but none of what you said makes them anything other than the d-bags that they are. They’re just permanent, mentally stunted ass hats.

Get rid of all comment sections everywhere on the intertubes along with Twitter. I use them at times like a lot of people but wouldn’t cry one bit if they disappeared.

Fuck her all day long and her end of life guilt confession. She is just as responsible for his murder as the couple and the entire inbred state legal system in place at the time.

‘Is there some kind of Galactic Civil Council that we can appeal to when things are this ridiculously bad?’

“They worked through blood sweat and tears for ages to create such profound and remarkable legacies. shameful portrayal”

Yes, but these idiots come from a mental landscape that dreamt up changing french fries ‘freedom fries’ with zero historical knowledge of the food itself.

Thank you, Popeye was one of my favorites as a kid and still is! Robin was awesome but her Olive was brilliant well beyond her natural physique for the role.

I love my parents but when the Boomers are gone a large chunk of the right wing nut bag voting brigade will be out of the picture. It’s their last well of strength.

Lets wait a couple of decades for the large shit stain on American politics called Baby Boomers to die off before dividing. While not all of them are responsible, the vast majority of them are. Florida and Arizona may recover to their previous normal Consevative state as opposed to whatever it’s turned into as well. 

Come on, he was just a young mayor back in ‘15...doin’ what young mayors do from time to time.

No, what it actually means is...don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. Sheesh, no one forced the dude to join the Army, release confidential information then embark on a transformation. She shouldn’t be given any different treatment than any other prisoner. Quit making this some fucking case of trampled

It amazes me how fucking trolls like you get followed on this site but perfectly fine comments are ignored or pending forever.

I don’t know, it looks fake to me.

With the exchange rate would this equal 110 yards in US?

So should this be proof that women voting on the recent Seattle stadium initiative screwed that up too? Proberry not, this is a show, male opinions count as well. I was forced to watch that show for years and feel I have the right to rate it.

If I wrote this piece for women and suggested they keep and use regularly a box of hair dye I’m positive I would be verbally horse whipped for it. I never would but this is what it seems like when a woman suggests a man keep Rogaine on hand.

I concur, and my opinion hasn’t changed since the day it was released. When it was released I was a die hard Punk/Post-Punk/Goth freak but I just couldn’t deny its sheer brilliance.

No, you were saying being flirty is a justified tactic in reporting a story. You seem to think it is. If a male reporter did this he would be subject to possible accusations of sexual harassment which is exactly what he was accused of. I’m making point within a point based on your bullshit reverse sexist statement