Troy Polamalu's Gray Hair

If he’s playing football since his a little kid, CTE will be a factor even in his teens. Add that with privilege and money, lack of character and institutional protections and you have guys like him.

I mean since we’re making educated guesses, a lot of this stuff resembles the things you are trained to watch for if you are a mandatory reporter for child welfare. I wouldn’t be surprised if he were sexually abused. Between that, cte, and a lifetime of likely being insulated from accountability, most of the likely

It’s a matter of time before this dude dies and we find out in the autopsy that he had scrambled eggs for brains.

in any other job, this Jerk would have be fired for his actions. the NFL needs to be held accountable for this crap they let go.

I will also take Jackmerius Tacktheritrix or D’Glester Hardunkichud.

Where’s the Kickstarter for Key and Peele to reenact the scene of Crennel having to tell Winslow to maybe stop jerking it in front of everyone so much? I’ll pay double if the roommate who reports him is Ozamatazz Buckshank or Donkey Teeth.

Give me a break. People love to act like the NFL is a population otherwise completely free of mental health problems and organic neurological defects. In fact, it’s likely the opposite—certain people are successful at football precisely because of those traits. There is nothing, whatsoever, that indicates that this

When he said he was a “fucking soldier,” he wasn’t kidding.

He clearly wasn’t a team player, since his only true joy was playing with himself.

I don’t think the issue is of cause-and-effect. It’s the pattern of entitlement and lack of boundaries that suggests a likelihood of carrying on as or more serious invasions elsewhere.

Glad they caught him when they did. This kind of escalating behavior makes me believe this piece of shit would have murdered eventually. 

So how much do you think I can get for my Winslow jersey on E-Bay?

That juror note makes me nervous about who we have on juries.

About fucking time. If this was you or I, we'd be in jail a long, long time ago. 

Johnson made $113 million dollars in his career from the Lions. He left this contract early to retire and blames the Lions for taking the $1 million that is owed them? He DIDN’T FULFILL HIS CONTRACT! He got exactly what was owed to him, no reason for this petty stuff. Just shows me we don’t want this guy around. He

I don’t understand why he deserves to get that money back when he quit on his team.  You get paid for the work you do, not the work you would have done if you didn’t get tired of working.  The Lions don’t owe him shit.

Who cares the lions are a joke always have been always will be. Matt is junk just like the rest big money with nothing to show for it. Just a joke. Wont be long and the browns will be betrer than the lions crap the nrowns have a better QB but keep loving your worthless lions.  Pfffff..

I mean... it is very Lions, but I wouldn’t say ‘NO OTHER’ team would have this happen... Just in the last few years, Seahawks and Steelers have had similar issues. Fact is, NFL players are treated like commodities and not employees, and while that is the fault of more than just the Franchises, it can be really

Sanders and Megatron both left the Lions early and on bad terms. That can’t be a coincidence.

I binged watched this weekend. Now I can't wait for Netflix to have a go at Ramona Q, a dark and gritty take on Beverly Cleary's beloved series.