Troy Polamalu's Gray Hair

Is anyone truly surprised that Disney would launch half-assed, pad its numbers through free subscriptions, hide content, change content, and generally screw over its slavishly devoted public? People give Disney so much leeway for shitty business practices as it is, this should not be a surprise. Also, don’t be

Search is the worst. I noticed that slight variations on popular terms, such as “mandloran” or “mrvl” turned up a “no results found” message. (Confusingly, Disney+ correctly displayed Marvel content, when I searched “marvl.” Netflix worked with a variety of misspellings.) I also got the “no results” error message when

First, I’ll say that I find Disney+ extremely tempting, and that will only get worse as the Marvel content comes online. That said, what all of this feels like to me is that if you have a company with nearly unlimited funds you can corner the market on family-friendly entertainment, and possibly all entertainment, and

“Even if you have zero intention of ever watching a single Disney film on the service, the selection of Marvel, Pixar, Star Wars, and National Geographic content could justify the $7 per month price tag. But much of Disney’s content can’t be rented anymore—meaning if you do want to watch it, in many cases you have to

Disney outsourced most of its internal IT to HCL and Cognizant which are second tier Indian outsourcing body shops. Lots of the technical issues listed here just sound like rookie mistakes which often happen when these kind of low-cost and low-quality outfits are used.

Actually, Disney has lots of experience in making shitty video streaming apps.  

Name checks out.

I came in to say, I’ve had no issues with bugs or stream quality, but listing titles that won’t be there until 2020 or even 2021(!!!) is some high-quality bait-and-switching to make it look like there’s more content than there is. Either delist them or put them in a Coming Soon tab, but to mix those in with actual

Large corporation with no experience in the tech sector makes shitty tech product? COLOR ME SURPRISED!

My god what happened to this guy? Either he finally took too many blows to the head and went nuts or just did a REALLY good job of fooling a lot of people for a long time that he was just an amiable goofball. It does jibe with his professional behavior recently though.

Say hi to Ray Rice!

There’s absolutely more stories about to come out then

So it turns out there’s a limit to how much a well-run organization can handle a player being a horrible human. Huh.

If the NFL is serious about punishing those who expose themselves to women and then threaten and intimidate the accuser, they might wanna cut ties with Peyton Manning

NFL: here is a bajillion dollars. All you have to do is not be a despicable moron for few years, we good?

This is exactly why the NFL never should’ve started down this path in the first place. Their policy from day one should’ve been “Once the courts reach a decision, we’ll figure out what to do”. The NFL is objectively terrible at handling these things, even moreso than the justice system. Anything and everything they do

Seems like you read almost as well as AB writes.

Jesus, can this please be true so I can stop hearing about this dipshit every damn day now? And those texts sound like they back up some of it so he better hope he got that new contract guaranteed now.