Troy Polamalu's Gray Hair

Seriously, if you live in the south, you NEED window tint. Cars heat up fast in the sun down there.


The NFL has released a statement regarding the arrest.

The alcohol wasn’t allowed for someone in his stage of the substance abuse program. I think it’s a bit draconian, too, if only because being addicted to one substance doesn’t make you addicted to all substances. If I’m, say, a recovering coke addict, a whiskey isn’t going to make me relapse. It’s not my drug and it

I think the NFL is dumb for this, I mean its weed cmon. Goodell is a fucking bum going after players for non-issues. That being said here’s what I would say to Gordon if I’m his agent “Josh I know it’s just weed, I know every other guy in the league is smoking, but for whatever reason the NFL is targeting you. Plain

Maybe he smokes weed to escape the overwhelming cognitive dissonance of working in a league in which alcohol is a primary sponsor, serial wife beaters are still allowed to play, and what seems to be, at a minimum, an accessory to murder is allowed to act as a broadcaster, while he can’t enjoy a non-performance

I got PTSD (not service related) when I was in the Army. I did what you say Josh Gordon should have done. I followed the rules, which were that even though medical pot was legal in my state, the Army’s rules superceded that. I took all the pharmaceuticals I was prescribed and when those didn’t work or stopped

Hey now, don’t forget Donte Stallworth. Hell, they even let Pacman back in the league. Assault, murder, and child abuse are all okay (as long as there is no video), but substance abuse/addiction issues? GTFO Cheech, we don’t serve your kind.

Thanks, I’m pretty much on the other side now. But it was a four and a half year white knuckle ride, trial and error with various forms of meds, til one day I was having a panic attack and, for some reason, decided to go get a medical card and try weed. That was six months ago and it has made all the difference.

why doesn’t Gordon have the discipline to knock that shit off

I don’t disagree with you in general, but what is the percentage of black people in America with some form of PTSD? Poverty and constant fear of police can not be underestimated in their ability to cause debilitating stress. Now that we are learning that marijuana might be an effective treatment for PTSD, I think we

“If you know something is against the rules and you keep breaking those rules anyway, what does that say about you?”

The same thing it says about the majority of NFL and NBA players, who smoke weed in the offseason despite it being against the rules. What it says about Josh Gordon specifically is that he’s dumb when it

If you go back and read his history, the NFL has put him through an absurd amout of shit. His 2015 suspension came from drinking alcohol during the offseason, which isn’t allowed. Not for drugs, not for being hammered- for having *any* alcohol at all.

As someone who can now work productively and lift weights regularly and be a dad to my son because pot alleviates PTSD symptoms much better than having to take three different kinds of medication but still drink myself into a stupor every night to avoid suicidal thoughts, let me second your sentiment. (also, Jeff

Shut up, hippie. If he’d just abused prescription painkillers like he was supposed to, he wouldn’t be in this mess. Life is all about choices....

Man if I didn’t know better, I’d think the NFL cares more about showing their players who’s boss than actually taking care of them!

All three should be booked for going to the Tin Roof in the first place.

WHy would you go into an alley with 2 professional football players?

Damn, once he woke up, I’m surprised he was able to Remember the Titans....who beat the shit out of him.

Yet again, alcohol helping young men make better decisions. /s