
Now i’ll say what needs to be said but seems nobody wants to talk about the elephant in the room. A lot of the people talking about this especially the ones who live there would see him or someone like him and give him a wide berth. Why ? Because as the police said , this guy is already known to the police, and he is

you noticed that too

because as far as some of these mfs are concerned wherever they see us in whatever environment, even if its the richest neighborhood in the world, and we are black and they are an underpaid servant of the people. we’re not considered as people, and are lower than them even if you are worth more than them financially

thats why I don’t know what it will take for some of our stupid ass people to quit trying to be reasonable with these mfs. teach your kids how to shoot and kill these mfs , because its approaching that time. talking aint going to ever work with the white devil . death is all they understand

won’t do any good. he just told a nigga off is all

so now mr. principal , did that teachable moment work the way you wanted , or did it work the way you should have taught your son. and that is the white mfkn cops are out to hurt and demean you whether you are doing anything or not. So mr. principal, I would suggest the next thing you teach your son is how to shoot at

unfortunately thats true, but there’s a reason for that. sad to say whenever decent black people go somewhere, niggas follow

the only way this changes is when people start killing police their families and judges, with the same don’t give a damn attitude they show towards us. Other than that , all the studies in the world that we already know aren’t going to change a damned thing

these guys can go to hell . shut the fuck up, and play football. when kapernick went against these bastards , all these same coons ran their asses out their every sunday and played. anda lot of you commenting on this are the same as them. you didn’t miss a game , and didn’t give a rats ass about causes relating to

yep church people who carry the bible everywhere they go

so tamir , sandra, philando, and too many to name were mental ?

couldn’t come up with nothing better ? next time i’ll try not to disappoint you and write something you can get in on

because people like me can see the foolishness where people like you think that people hating our asses is a game. sure it would be funny if it were kept among the guys in the locker room. But it wasn’t ,it’s been on every internet news site worldwide, and is still being reprinted. As I said it would be funny if it

typical response from an uneducated illiterate negro , who can’t express itself without deriding other people

HAVE YOU BEEN TO SHANGHAI NOPE. I have, and because there are not a great abundance of white or black people there,you do tend to stand out, and they watch you , not so much as if they think you’re stealing , but to see what you buy , so they can try to beat the price. so come off the white /black shiyt. hell we now


what a dumbass. but a lot of you folks think this is funny. its not. this fool couldn’t leave drugs alone . and he’s overseas. just like the basketball guys son and 2 more college guys were caught shoplifting in china. But what do they do , the same criminal ass shit they do here, and further perpetrate that

maybe back in the day , but not now

this is total privilege. But even after all that and kicking the cop, he treated her with dignity. Nw had this been a black person, he would have had backup from the beginning , and the minute she said you can’t give me a ticket, there would have been 3-4 bald headed gestapo types on top beating the hell out of them

so when her daughter or friends become the next school shooter, don’t let this bitch sit back and say I don’t know why she did it. If your kid dies, or anybody close because of this bitch and her daughters or kids actions,drag the bitch out into the street and hang her from the closest tree