
this is all i’ll say

and a lot were immigrants

1st of all I want to ask all who sees this. Why do they have a black mom and her child as the face of this ? When you read the last sentence of this , you’ll understand. I want all you fools who join this military to read this and understand. especially if you’re an immigrant or a citizen overseas.This is your reward


now you’re talking. best not to say shit . and if she didn’t learn by now , she should have. when these lying bastards twisted her words b4 and said she said something wrong about those murdering ass fake jews in israel, and even pelosi’s ass led the charge for an apology because of the lies from the right , and she

9>10 she was white. or white hispanic. that community is heavily hispanic, with terrorist and corrupt mfs running the judicial system

exactly case in point. cop shoots guy in his own home and kills him saying she thought it was her house. how long has it taken for a trial ? oh there hasn’t been one yet. police shoots 12 yr old aloe in park , How long before charges were filed if any. guy kills cop over the weekend , charged with murder 1 hr later,

nope thats why you teach your kids and yourselves how to shoot. the worst bastards in the world are these no good ass over anxious pussy ass cops trying to be big bad and brave kicking in peoples doors . either with the wrong warrants for the wrong addresses, or any other fucked up reason they write. sure you or your

no because unlike you and so many others , I aint going down for no bullshit. you on the other hand keep your hands up and get shot . ok.

I guess you and I are the only ones who noticed this

have anyone but me noticed, that whenever these quick indictments come against cops , its only the black ones. Yet I wonder how many times mfs like this one went to hell and back defending one of their white buddies doing the same shit

did you actually look at the video ? one cop told the kid to go toward the stairs, and he is doing it, when suddenly this bastard blindsides him and starts to beat the hell out of him for nothing. Or do you see something different ?

so did the video of laquan mcdonald. so did the video of eric garner. so did the video of tamir rice, and what did it prove . not a mfkn thing in the white devils court. laquans killer got 6 yrs which is probably more like , tamir rices killer got fired from one dept and rehired at another, eric garners killer found

all these cases has some punk ass mfkn white caver trying to show how much of a man he is. And after they do all their dirty ass shit, they drum up some bullshit resisting arrest. 1st of all what arrest . oh I know it’s you being arrested for trying to block all those uneccessary punches from this white devil 

all you coward ass mfs worried about some snitch bullshit while you silly mfs wreak havoc on black people, yet none of you mfs had the guts ro shoot back  like he did

of course mfs would say that so they would get all the negros to worry about that lie than for you mfs to pick up a gun like him and try to kill those mfs. don’t believe the bullshit

these mfs have over 300 murders or more unsolved , and they’re worried anout a gay mf that wanted attention and lied. kiss my ass

I’M going to say something it seems negros just can’t under fucking stand. If a mutha fucka treats you like shit and less than a dog, and you keep running to them to give “your” money, and they aint giving your black ass nothing but a gtfoh attitude, then who’s the fool ?

and if the whites can’t do it or monopolize it, they outlaw it, as you see with them trying this bullshit about black kids hairstyles

Now let’s hear all the grumbling broke ass do nothing negros complain about this. He’s right when he said , the time for kneeling is over, and its time for action. But all you complaining faultfinding crab in a barrel negros are the same negroes who watch innocent (not guilty ) black men women and children killed by