
How y’all enjoying the Post-Obama era so far?

It’s been that way for, well, since before the civil war, really. In fact, nearly every war (save maybe WWII) this country has fought was done for the express purpose of turning the blood of its citizens into money to line the pockets of its wealthy few. If someone can be guilty of murder as an accomplice, the wealthy

I know, I know, don’t feed trolls. But I gotta watch this bullshit disintegrate. I’m a sadist.

Is he at her house?

let those amongst us who *haven’t* had unprotected sex with porn stars while their third wife was having their child cast the first stone

Not defending Omar but she didn’t wreck that man’s home. That man did that when he stepped out his wife. Where is the dash cam video Omar forcing that man, at gunpoint, to step outside of his marriage with her?

If the doors were locked, they would have broken the door down or shot through the door and lied about hearing noises that made them think there was “imminent danger”. At least this way the family still has a front door.

A third-party investigation was initiated to address the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the involved officers’ actions. At this point, the investigation is ongoing.

Oh, they be cops. They have no problem breaking the chain, or breaking down the door. Claim they heard a girl. Or smelled some of the wacky weed. Thought the kid was choking...

Not yet, anyway, but it could very well end with literally only these two going down.  I’ve seen this first hand, where a judge/prosecutor/officer has been caught crooked dealing for years which initiates a wide-scale investigation of past cases...only for them to be like “We reveiwed everything, and didn’t find that

Yup, I can't remember seeing a "quick" resolution to incident like this with a white face attached.

Wow, looks like a piece of shit, perfect applicant for a police officer.

That video doesn’t raise questions.

Nah it was a “I feel like beating your ass cause I’m a limp dick piece of shit” move by the cop.

When one rabid dog starts savaging someone, all the other rabid dogs will pile on. It’s that simple. The solution is the same with the police as it is for rabid dogs.

Let’s see how this one plays out. It seems pretty simple that this cop should be arrested and charged with assault, maybe along with some other charges. It looks like a couple other guys got some jabs in too, can’t tell on my small screen. What was their excuse for stepping in? Maybe they too were afraid the boy

Great post, bro.

That’s only the case if there’s three or more cops. The way the police regulations have it stated, at least one cop on scene has to be the racist cop. So if there’s only two cops, the second is racist. Only one? He has to be the racist.

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