
did they call the police when the little bitch refused to leave school grounds

I don’t know who that is black didn’t no this mf was a racist. (i’m not talking about negroes) this is the white bastard who started that black welfare queen shiit, when his poor useless mfkn ass came from shit himself

they never look the young ages they say they are . because they don’t belong here

not with pelosi’s coward bought ass running the show. she already said impeaching this fool was a waste of her time. so what does that tell you. frankly why are they still holding all these hearings for. AINT SHIT GONNA HAPPEN

make sure that pig mf and his family is the first ones we show that everybody can be got. 1 gun doesn’t make everybody else with no guns

so now you see . where the sick mentality of these beast begins, 

no that was alright because the great white beastly savage was quelling the uncontrollable negro

next time throw hot lead at their asses , and then you can be all those things they say you are. If the water hurt , don’t you think they would have done something. No its the white mfkn press and the same race baiting white racist that are turning this into more than it should be. so what they got wet . 

would you divorce an animal like that and have it sneak up on you in the dark

now you black cops know how far your jurisdiction goes. your fellow so called boys in blue should have arrested this bastard , but they didn’t did they. had this m f been black they would have probably brought swat and killed him and every other person in that office. But I still don’t get , if this cop is a training

now if this young womans story doesn’t tell a lot of you hardheaded ass little girls to quit messing around with these useless ass street or mommas boys because they aren’t going to do shit to help you, when you have a baby or need it, then nothing will. And i’m sure a lot of you aren’t listening, just as she probably

let me say this first . i don’t condone anyone taking advantage od women or raping them . Now let’s get to the truth. All these people feigning this bullshit about how upset they are especially the parents knew or should have known what their daughters were out in the streets doing. Now if you half ass raised your

they should lock up the protestors. silly ass people do the same useless shit everytime things like this happen. instead of finding the culprit and doing unto them, all our folk do is march pray and go home.Now these people are letting you know. you are not going to disturb their way of life if they kill one of you

thats why their party has and will lose. these white devils are the same. As long as you act like the other coons, and stfu and not have a brain , and let the white bastards do all the wheeling and dealing and talking , you’re ok. But the minute this new wave who’ve had enough of this bullshit tells these bastards

this shows how full of shit the dems are. the new wave is saying screw the old ways, and the old heads like her are still with the same useless fake games. instead of her cheering them on , she is trying to tear them down. this is why i quit donating to these mfs

whats incorrect about it. and the timing is right. she is successful independent , no bunch of fools around her, keeping scandal away from herself, and he is still going to jail periodically and hasn’t grown up for that wanna be bad boy image that is meaningless and detrimental to so many like him in these days and

exactly . well put

well maybe just maybe black people will wake the fuck up, and realize from haiti to africa and anywhere else black people reside and are the majority, that its time to quit running away from your countries and its problems , and do whatever it takes to change it and destroy these dictators and corrupt politicians. And

and just think , she almost ruined her life and all her great achievements messing with a half raised wanna be tough useless ass punk calling himself a man , who constantly goes to jail and has shit to really show for his life. Y’all know who i’m talking about

they are going on the premise . “if you jump off a bridge i’m gonna do it also “ with this 2 tiered ticketing system they proposed , which was the dumbest shit one could even propose. But a lot of negroes pretending to be black will say its right, until say an even such as taste of chgo told negroes they would have