
I don’t blame her one bit for her decision. This give the poor black person a discount in society is getting old. In this instance or any instance if a person wants something , the price should be equitable. But society has handicapped and stereotyped the poor black person system to the point that is expected in too

with these stats , one would come to the rational conclusion that it would be more white people in prison. But it isn’t which goes to show another miscarriage of justice. although more whites are charged with the same crimes as blacks , more or the bulk of them have their charges dismissed, whereas black people are

these days it is the norm. I would be hard pressed to find a fight that didn’t end that way in amerika

so now its locked up while defending ourselves. either these mfs over there are totally blind or they just don’t like black people. you pick. but anybody in their right mind can see these 2 bastards are picking a fight. this looks more of a setup for this guy because they didn’t want you black guys there. And when you

i have to agree with you on most of your points. But lets clear up this wealth disparity . I don’t know about you but I don’t live around black people making 11k to 134k for whites. true there are those that do . but thats not representative of the bulk of black people.Y ou must realize , white people are deceitful

now let me ask you one thing. do you think your service to this country is appreciated ? lets put it this way. if one of these white devils calls the police and say something to the fact of you had a heated argument with them , but you’re a vet. How do you think those white cops in this great ass country you put your

hopefully the judge will see this , and realize that these guys did everything possible to avoid a confrontation with these guys, and they just won’t quit. These are some of those middle eastern arabs who think they can talk shit to anybody , especially black people like they do where they come from, because africans

i think more middle eastern whereas they thought they were fucking with some scared ass africans like they’re use to doing where they come from

sometimes that don’t work . and these guys were asking for a beatdown. how many times can you ask a silly mf to stop following you b4 you do what you gotta do. These guys seem like arabs , and I think this mf thought that he was fucking with some scared ass africans like they’re use to doing in their country. who will

are you saying some of us have a double standard lolololol

who cares what those hateful ass crackers think. In 30 yrs they’ll get mad when somebody makes a movie about michael jackson , and portray him as black. lmao

as much as I don’t care for police, this guy was totally wrong. All he had to do is what was asked. Shut off the car, and get out . But he escalated this to the point that this cop already on the offense, became defensive. Why in this day and time would negroes still do the dumbshit at times as to draw attention with

perhaps you wouldn’t be and they would still come for you. but a fool is folly in his ways

let’s keep it real , and leave out the race factor. the pregnant woman didn’t give a damn that she was pregnant or she wouldn’t have had her ignorant ass out there in the street fighting. And as the story goes people were trying to de-escalate the situation , but the pregnant one wouldn’t let it go and kept going

read it again . even after the police and others stopped or tried to stop this , this fool regardless of being pregnant kept going after this woman. so if she was acting like a damned fool you and I both would have done the same. she didn’t care, so why should you get hurt or die when this woman didn’t care

why not. nobody has the time for a person with that dumb shit about fighting. either let it go and walk off, or catch a bullet. when you’re supposed to be grown, this type ignorance should be beneath you. 

they got it right. the dumbass woman knew she was pregnant , but being the hoodrat she were. it didn’t matter. how many times you see these non caring don’t give a fuck women out in the street fighting like cats and dogs. and they don’t give a shiit about a baby they are carrying . Now the police even said after they

in your case they would drop you at the free landowner relative, because it would say the generations after him were not born into bondage, therefore slavery didn’t have a great adverse effect on you. And as you said that would create a dilemna if some on one side of your family can trace their relatives into slavery,

i don’t know about eartha kits background , but i would surmise either her mother or grands one was black and probably a slave if they were grands. also meghans situation is the same. it would come from her mother’s side. But this is the reason reparations will never happen . or not on the scale black people think.

well now i’ll give my opinion. when rap came out and the negroes thought it was cute to call each other niggas, and then went so far as to say nigga could mean any low life person, because the dictionary told their stupid asses that . The y failed to realize it was a white dictionary (webster ) that gave that