Am I taking crazy pills, or did she make an abortion joke at 1:10?
I mean, it was funny but wow... unexpected
Am I taking crazy pills, or did she make an abortion joke at 1:10?
I mean, it was funny but wow... unexpected
This is a whole hell of a lot of trouble. I do a similar thing with paper towels (under and on top of the lettuce) in a large tupperware container. Now you can put it anywhere in your fridge, and free up the crisper for all your other vegetables.
Unless they’ve changed this model in the 3 years since I bought one, then buyer beware: its vaccuum power is super weaksauce and it plugs up easily. It’s ok for the odd toast crumbs but otherwise kinda crap. Also, loses charge pretty quickly
Unless they’ve changed this model in the 3 years since I bought one, then buyer beware: its vaccuum power is super…
I’m an Uber driver in Ottawa, and based on my experience (mind you I’ve only been at it a few months), surge pricing is a big silly mess that I don’t pay attention to.
I feel like this is a version of “always wear black clothing so no one can see the stains”
Which I approve of
Never happened in all my years. If they get loose then chances are it’s only at one end, and the other end stays wrapped (albeit loosely) around the other peg. If it snaps, the food filter catches it. Just trust me, I learned this from my Dad 30 years ago, and we’ve both never had problems.
Actually they do take the heat pretty well. I rarely have to replace them
Cut lid, use lid to strain. Fill can with water, use lid to strain. Fill can with water, use lid to strain. Etc.
Anyone that agrees with this flight attendant also agrees with the pharmacist who refuses to fill birth control prescriptions. It’s that simple.
This music is awesome. However, you should look up what rockabilly is, cuz this it ain’t.
Here’s something that drives me crazy: labeling a product like this
30% MORE!!!!*
More power to you. My wife and I have a similar situation, except I’d PREFER if she drives because honestly once I’m in the passenger seat, I don’t care about anything and I don’t get the least road-ragey. Yet she insists I drive, despite my offers to the contrary. Good luck
Hate to say this but you should be driving if you’re uncomfortable with his driving. If you tell him you’d like to drive and he says no, then you’ve got deeper issues.
“And that’s Musgraves’ most wonderful trick: making people believe they’re not really listening to country music.”
No see, everything else is NOT country music. This is
An example of how shocking infographics can also be shockingly misleading: these aren’t ALL World Cup related deaths.
OH another thing my store does: let’s say an item is normally $3.50 and they want to raise the price. They’ll mark it DOWN to $3.00 for a week, and when the sale is over, the new price is now $3.90. So that people don’t notice the increase... shady
They also do this thing where something will be on sale for 5 cents off.
My local grocery store uses big red stickers to indicate that something’s on sale, and will show the regular price with an X through it and the lower price in big bold letters. But they also use these exact same stickers on other products but only show the regular price, in big bold letters - they’re conning people…
Up here in Canada, 99.9% of credit card transactions are done with a chip-enabled card where you enter a PIN, instead of the old fashioned signature method. You punch the tip in on the card swiper thingy and hey presto it’s all done. No fraud, everybody wins.