Lefty McRighty

Here is the best way to wipe your butt: do a half-ass job with TP, then get the rest with a Wet-One. DON’T flush the Wet-One, wrap it up in toilet paper and throw that in trash. Clean butt, all day long.

If the additional moisture from the Wet-One concerns you, dry it with a bit more TP afterwards.

THANK YOU. I’m going on my honeymoon in France and Spain and I have absolutely no idea what to expect when I get there. This is amazing.

Easier version: elastic bands stretched across the vertical bars of the top rack, and then you use the elastics to pin down whatever tupperware container you’re trying to keep in place. My father started doing this in the 80s and I’ve kept it going ever since. Elastics only occasionally break or weaken over time, and

I am a proud lifelong Canadian and I have never heard that. However, it makes perfect sense I just never stopped to think about it before. Thanks!

It’s the content that the ads pay for, not the “getting it to your house”.

For instance: all the people writing for lifehacker? Getting paid. How? Partially by ad revenue. Getting lifehacker from their servers to your computer? That’s between you and your ISP.

Up here in Canada, no one uses these things. The only time I ever see them is in airports. Whereas if I go to say, Las Vegas, it seems that every single toilet stall has these.

So for all you people who are so grossed out by the germs on a toilet seat that they can’t go without using a seat cover: you’re wasting paper

I’ve spent most of my driving life in Ontario, where all the above applies quite nicely - everyone for the most part seems to know what to do when turning left. I moved to Québec a couple of years ago and immediately noticed that virtually no one pulls out into the intersection to wait to turn left.

Then I realized

This is all wrong, and here’s why:

First of all, those outer leaves are perfectly fine to eat, as others have pointed out.

Second, leave the damned stem on, it’s what keeps the leaves from falling off when you toss everything in oil before roasting. That little knob at the bottom that looks so hard and gross when they

Yet another example of bad journalism from the gang over at Jezebel. Hey, your initial headline was proven either wrong or in dispute based on your very own update at the bottom of the article.

Holy god, that was disgusting even by my standards.

What’s more disgusting is how little effect this will have on his numbers

Now playing

I nominate the Broccoli Wad, for real. Plus, if you go the unofficial route of just buying some broccoli to get the elastic, then hey, free broccoli

I nominate the Broccoli Wad, for real. Plus, if you go the unofficial route of just buying some broccoli to get the

Or, OR... the germs that are in the air in your office, the same ones you breathe in all day long and that end up all over you fingers because of all the stuff you touch between post-pee hand-washings, these germs are maybe not going to kill you just because they ended up in your coffee cup? Just a thought from a

Might want to edit your headline to contain the correction, for the large number of people who just look at a headline and treat it as fact. Here, I did the work for you, you just need to copy and paste

I feel like this is way more complicated than just straining the oil through cheesecloth, which is what I’ve been doing for years.

Smart tip, but one thing to consider: you don’t really have to cover the sausages. Most sausages come with cooking instructions that tell you how to poach them. Frying pan with maybe 1/2" of liquid, and a lid to keep the steam/water in. Flip ‘em once. Easy peasy.

You are not alone

Wow. I’m normally pretty open minded about people not knowing the same things I do, but this takes the cake... I don’t see how it’s possible for someone to not know the dishes are dirty within seconds of opening the dishwasher.

And if your family is rinsing their dishes so well that you can’t tell if they’re clean or

I spent 45 minutes peeling an entire can of chickpeas by hand because someone had recommended peeling them for a smoother texture.

The texture was smoother, but the hummus was bland as hell. I wonder if those skins actually pack some punch?

The most recent batch I made (with unpeeled chickpeas) had a shit ton of roasted

Outlook is such a turd. I signed up as soon as they announced it, and loved it at first. THEN they overhauled it about a year ago. Now there are pop-up windows for when you’re reading or composing - pop-ups? In 2016?

On top of that, the pop-ups don’t load properly every time, so I find a window I can type in but no

I feel like this is one of those posts where the author is one of the 3% of people who thought you’re supposed to push the button but just kinda figured everyone thought the same thing. The comments section will reveal that most of us already knew that.