Was not expecting to see a Little Jimmy Dickens tribute on Jezebel.com
Was not expecting to see a Little Jimmy Dickens tribute on Jezebel.com
A 90lb female is not a normal female, or human for that matter.
I instantly knew this video was shot somewhere in Canada, without reading the description, and I don't know why. I'm Canadian, but I don't know how that could explain why I knew this was Canadian highway. Hell I don't even live in BC
The idea of only using the left lane for passing is a weird pipe dream that doesn't work in real life. I generally drive faster than most people on the highway, not by a stupid amount but by enough that I'm passing everyone. I camp in the left lane because it's safer than weaving in and out of the lane. If someone…
Uh, skimming the full 100% would be... reading the entire thing? Which I gave up on because of the weak attempts at jokes
Let's try it like this: I read for a while, thought the writing was lousy and skipped to the end to see what the punchline was, then commented. Kinda like walking out of a bad movie without staying until the end. Is that better?
"(Editor's Note: This is the most entertainingly-written story I've ever received)"
Oof, don't encourage him. I skimmed over 75% of it only to get to the punchline "customers stayed long after closing"
Some people think they're funny. This guy, not so much.
95% of rock/metal/punk musicans are white men. Is that Dave Grohl's fault?
Related: wrap the remaining celery in aluminum foil when you store it in the fridge. Somehow, through some weird trick of alchemy, it keeps frickin' forever like this.
Also none of them are black. But no one cares about that, right?
Has it occurred to you that maybe an ad can be targeted to a PORTION of the entire demographic?
Look at movies: sometimes a movie trailer will be cut differently to highlight the jokes or the action, depending on who they're trying to appeal to.
Christ, calm down.
Pretty sure the pedestrian was the indirect cause of the accident. The car had time to make the turn (barely) and then halfway through hesitates because HOLY SHIT WHY IS THIS MAN STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD? Watch closely, you'll see what I mean.
Wow, after reading this I read two more posts about people that sweat LESS after switching from antiperspirant to deodorant.
Anecdotal evidence of how to sweat less:
For my entire life I used antiperspirant, and was just...ok. I still sweat quite a bit but it was manageable. A couple of years ago I had to start wearing undershirts to work because I started sweating more and it was showing. Undershirts helped (full on t-shirt style) but were…
I'd rather get shot by 1 bullet than 2. So... I guess I endorse child rape
Oh my god, I can't even begin to tell you how much I love buying glasses from Zenni. They're so cheap I could die. My wife is super clumsy and throws her glasses around and they break all the time and I don't give a shit because they cost $15.
What crazy timing. I just today saw him in an episode of Burn Notice from a few years ago
I have never in my entire life been to a house with garbage disposal in the kitchen, that I know of. Are they just an American thing, whereas in Canada we just throw that stuff in the garbage?
This one is better, I think: