Lefty McRighty

The poster isn't saying that the kitchen is no place for a woman. The poster is saying "Ha look at these guys with their ridiculous little saying. At the same time look at these girls and their shallow obsessions with penis size"

You know, now that you mention it, I probably should have a baby. Who's going to carry on the vapid comments when I die? I need a brain to wash

Somehow I'm offended by this. Even though I have no intention of having kids, the fact that someone would suggest I shouldn't just makes me want to have one just to spite them. Congratulations, you've created a spite baby.

This so clever it makes me want to have a baby just so I can do this and say "neat"

So... Olympics. Where does this kid fall?

What, no blind Asians?

Question: how come no one is complaining about the Korean guy from Walking Dead dressing in whiteface? Because shut up, this whole thing is stupid, that's why.

God I've been saying this for years. Seems like 5% of drivers in my city are sidezoomers, and 95% lineuppers. Although it also seems like there are more sidezoomers lately, so maybe the thing is catching on.

The unfortunate thing is that this "merge like a zipper" thing only works if EVERY SINGLE DRIVER is on board.

You know I'm really surprised I didn't figure that out on my own. The part we eat is a root, the leaf is the actual "plant" that's trying to live. Duh

As for celery, I've found that wrapping the whole thing in aluminum foil does wonders. The thing stays crisp for a month, easily

Hey, do you think this applies to radishes too? Because the last few times I left radishes on the stalks, they went limp really fast. Hmmm

Nope. If you add the trick where you roll the intact lemon or lime on the counter to loosen the insides, then you get full penetration, right up to the inner wall. Just try it

Hi, I'm not a professional chef, I'm just some guy with a kitchen. Use a spoon instead of a fork, it conforms to the curvature of the lemon and is way easier to use.
Not a chef

There's a floor next to my bed, and that's where the laundry ends up at midnight when I walk in go "Dammit, I forgot about this"

A new job came up, and I competed for it with a coworker. I won, and was awarded a permanent job, whereas he remained on contract for the remainder of his term (about 6 months). So all of a sudden, he just stopped talking to me. I'd say good morning, have a good night, that sort of thing, and he would literally ignore

No, the problem is that only a small fraction of people know and try to use the zipper merge. Everyone else just piles into the open lane early, comes to a dead stop, and then blames the one guy who went to the end of the lane in an attempt to zipper merge.

Another important point: let the omelet cool on the back burner for a minute or two before attempting to fold. It will deflate considerably, making it easier to fold without cracking along the spine.

And while we're talking about omelet lessons, cook that sucker on the lowest setting you have, with the pan covered.

Yeah except I never type URLs - all my shit is bookmark based

Amazing. Thanks. Was getting sick of searching for "maps" on Google just to get to Google Maps

Alternative, for short term storage: that trick where you stick 'em in water to help them grow also works for just keeping them alive in your fridge for a few weeks

Dressing up like a black person is not the same as blackface. You can't dress up as Cher without the right wig, you can't dress up as a clown without some clown makeup, and you can't dress up as a person of another skin colour without trying to change your skin colour somewhat.