While this isn’t the Benz I’m looking for, I wouldn’t kick it out of the garage for eating crackers at that price. NP.
While this isn’t the Benz I’m looking for, I wouldn’t kick it out of the garage for eating crackers at that price. NP.
“Toxicsrt” is a very fitting name for this chud.
A half barrel keg (most common size, 15.5 us gallons) weighs shy of 170 lbs. That’s an adult weight.
The short-bus would do the trick for room, weight limit, and quirkiness. It could probably hold more but I like the Astro for its size. Being so short it can still fit in a regular parking spot and easily get down the back alleys where you’ll need to be delivering to.
Only if is a very fat child. A full keg goes 150lbs to 160lbs.
I run the warehouse for a small brewery in Victoria, BC and what you want is an Chevy Astro Van. The thing about delivering kegs is that you run out of weight before you run out of space and as a growing business you’re always going to need to move a little more. An Astro can fit 12 keg comfortable with room for more…
Ditching 672 Pounds Can Turn the Most Boring Car Into a Fun Time
I’ve got a line on a fastback and notchback in similar condition in SF. The fastback appeared to be a GT350. They belong to my prior shithead landlords. I can provide assistance in locating the cars, and even the shitty landlords if you feel the need to generate ashes.
Don’t worry guys, the plane was just fine!
I know it’ll still be winter in Cleveland for another 3 months, but you don’t need to be so grumpy.
When a BMW i8 at a showroom in the Dutch province of Brabant began smoking yesterday morning, firefighters there had just the solution.
It has to do with the thermal runaway of the batteries. It’s a chemical fire, not an electrical one. They dunked the car to cool the batteries down, reducing the risk of it re-igniting.
I imagine it’s similar to the E-Diff in the C7. Variable locking only. Turns in like an open diff, exits corners like a Torsen. No torque vectoring.
No one else bothered by the use of ‘sinked’ instead of ‘sunk’ when talking in the past tense about the ship taking a water nap?
Raph, I’d love a write up on Toyota’s 22re engine.
Your dreams need to get wilder.
The kind that comes in gallon cans with a plain white label.
Here ya go. Mobil pina colada stand stuck on race course.
I clipped a medium sized bird with my shoulder while doing 75-80mph on my sportbike. The bird bounced off in a small cloud of feathers. Felt like I got hit with a golf ball. Fortunately I saw it coming in my peripheral vision so I was prepared. Also caught one of those primordial sized dragonfly on my chest while…