
Thanks for dumping mercury into your surroundings! Great job compact twistys as you called them or CFL's should not be sent into your dump unless specified by your waste management.

I know huh? no giggling...

Only if there was an emergency otherwise I am lazy...

I would like a self driving car I suppose, if I could also take over and disengage the Auto-pilot.

Yeah it was pretty neat but I agree and we should kill it with fire now!

I wonder what happens when those pills are flushed down the drain to end up in the water supply...

YAY! Yet Another Apocalyptic Poster!

Somehow I am betting this is exactly how Soylent Green smells! But humans will eat anything...

Very grandiose but I wish it and you luck!

The success of nerds is directly dependant on the advance of civilization.

I know huh!

Best Power Point I have seen EVAH!

Yes were are to them as to Ants are to us at least in Lovecraft's writings. I sometimes wish for Aliens and such to escape the monotony of the dreary office life, but I agreed with your point I am not really sure I would want the reality of it. There was a reason people had lower life expectancies a 100 years ago and

uh Dad....DAD! LOL Classic and wonderful I am glad they were able to see this and share it with us!

Lovecraft often wrote about civilizations more capable and advanced as ours as well as startlingly ancient and likely longer lasting!

Nope but mention Katrina and you will get a no-prize!

Imagine all the different branches that have left no traces in the fossil record and the mind just reels...

you saw visions of Avatar blue people singing Kumbaya right? Or was that just me?

haha good point!

used to kill metaphorical werewolves?