
WFRR was surreal and amazing at the time much less was Cool World but at least they tried...

Actually I can see the effects (Animation with live action) being even better as you could digitally remove a character (or objects) that are interacting with an Actor easier now then you could with WFRR, still a great movie!

These creatures live in a lake that’s been sealed beneath ice for 2,800 years!

Occasionally during the winter here we have a dense fog what will roll in and then a nice breeze creates these, it is sort of surreal and beautiful as it often seems more quite too! I enjoy it as much as a nice blanket of fresh snow...

YIPES STRIPES! I always stripes were sexy, but this blows my mind! Humans have stripes...

Esther is it just me or am I sensing a

I think I just bent my head...

What kind of bridge fills the gap from becoming essentially an emperor of a giant empire to being chased by bounty hunters on a Pitch Black-esq planet?

HOLY CROW! The 80's was almost the start of real violence on TV not that cartoony stuff that passed for a fight on ST or Batman! wow...

So they were technophobes? :) I can image 10,000 things worse to watch in 1984 then re-runs of Star Trek. No worries my step-dad didn't let me watch it either, but today he has trouble with a cell phone and I mean the old style no where near a smart phone...

+1 That made me laugh!

WAIT...WHAT? Were they Amish? Star Trek? Was this 1966 time frame or later re-runs? If it is later re-runs are they Technophobes?

I was thinking something similar about a 1,000 years from now! Was it a temple? Did they worship in it? Why was it built? We may never know...LOL

I have seen the Fnords and this is one of them...


From laughing right?

I know right?

Well this is not happy news...

I am not confident we are...

:) Mission Accomplished!