
is that sarcasm? Here is a conundrum for you...

Hey there Angela! Did you do any investigating on this at all? Just curious cause surely you noticed the discrepancy that the Hard Drive was missing and never reported as being found. Can you show me where they found this missing drive?

You forgot each show contains easter eggs for other fandom, books you have not read, blogs you’ll never see, viral videos you missed or shows that all of which are meta or in the same universe as the other shows you have yet to watch and so forth...and so on...

This is how you turn out more Brock Turners...

Everything is Crooked now...

Hmm If video games cause violence is there going to be a huge outbreak of coprophagia???

First they came for the Cows cause we liked hamburgers, then the pigs cause bacon, then the “Scientists Declare”...

Mine was female ShepTart...

One word GHOST...

We Sold 200k....I only had an interest of 15% ....just got a very very small piece of what the game made in total...

WHAT??? PEOPLE FINALLY VOTING WITH THEIR MONEY? Interesting too bad it was for a video game and not the state of their infrastructure...


YAY! Already did it like a clown threw up a rainbow!

Odd you should mention this as there was a long thread about it over on ATS I missed a chance to watch it but I doubt I will pay $10 unless I am getting a T-shirt...

Kinda reminds me of life...

I knew it! HAHA! NOT YET? HAHA NOT EVER! TINY LAND Should be called Sim Town! Always online, always a pain in the ASS! I did the so called Beta (DEMO) test and I could tell it looks great and has a grand idea but they sold out to corporate greed from EA. My $60 is better spent on TOMB RAIDER or STARCRAFT II that if I

Still gonna wait LOL

I thought you must be connected? That is real sticking point with me. Some of the stuff I know will pass either in patches or expansions. But if my connection goes my game goes. Like I said I will wait and see. If they game is not like Diablo and I can play without an always on connection I get it.

Do you ever play old games? You will no longer be able to....

Still waiting a month...until the reviews are out. If I read as much crap as I read from Diablo III I will skip it or at least wait until it is on clearance. My question to you since you seem like you know, what will they do 2-5 years from now when interest is gone and they shut the servers down? Could you still play?