
Really? For those that were able to get on (server problem after server problem). You realize that the lot size is as big as it gets right? And that if another persons "Town" crashes more likely yours will too. It looked pretty but $60 pretty? I doubt I am getting kissed for that date!

They never fixed the lot play size either...should be called SIM TOWN...

Yeah and by the sounds of it you will need other players too! No thanks!

Actually the Beta was worse! I played all of a couple hours over a weekend I set aside 16 hours for! This is not a game I will likely spend a dime on...

I was going to buy this game in PRE-ORDER now? NO EFFING WAY!

io9 called and wants their story back and said stick to cars and stuff...Or at least future cars...

Of course! It is never fun being sick and I hope you are getting rest and food and water!

I am sorry get better!

I agree that would be scary!

I figured you would have said Gawker...

I want a MacDo Donk Yo!@U

Seriously no 88 lines about 44 women?

Is this like trying to change your private "Bathroom" time a day? Cause I tried it and let me tell you that was mistake!

It would have been cooler if Drew Carey was your Dad...

And although I agree in a public place he is welcome to film however this was a business and I would hope they can ask a customer to leave if they do not wish cameras to film. Just as I hope to have those rights in my home! I am tired of video surveillance creep. Not everything needs to be recorded.

LOL! +1 true or not it was humorous...

Most people are not 100% symmetrical although typically Stars come closer, than mere mortals. It may also be a trick of lighting if you look at the image you will see that...


Can your brain throw up?